CT Micro International ...
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...nput current photodarlington coupler package outline schematic ctw138 / ctw139 note: different lead forming options available. see package dimension. feat... |
Description |
Low Input Current Photodarlington coupler
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1,363.91K /
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Pasternack Enterprises,...
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coupler that operates in the frequency range of 7.05 to 10 ghz. this waveguide component has a typical vswr of 1.05:1. these designs are made of painted copper alloy and incorporate a cross wall confguration that result in a mid-band nomi... |
Description |
WR-112 40 dB Waveguide Crossguide coupler, CPR-112G Grooved Flange, 7.05 GHz to 10 GHz
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456.67K /
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Pasternack Enterprises,...
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... pe2cp1069 is a 20 db direction coupler with n female connectors rated to 200 watts. insertion loss is a low 0.25 db. the total path loss (including accuracy, frequency variations, dissipative loss and theoretical loss due to coupling) is ... |
Description |
Low PIM Directional 20 dB N coupler To 2.7 GHz Rated to 200 Watts
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507.79K /
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