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NJU7250 Low Dropout Voltage Regulator s GENERAL DESCRIPTION s PACKAGE OUTLINE The NJU7250 series is low dropout voltage and high precision positive voltage regulator with ON/OFF control. This IC is suitable for the battery items because of low operating current and 150mA output current. NJU7250F Furthermore, this series is packaged with MTP5 s FEATURES * Low Operating Current * Output Current * High Precision Output Voltage * Low Dropout Voltage * Standby Function * Short Current Protection Circuit * C-MOS Technology * Package Outline s OUTPUT VOLTAGE LINE-UP Device Name VOUT NJU7250F25 2.5V NJU7250F27 2.7V NJU7250F28 2.8V NJU7250F29 2.9V 35A typ. 150mA Vo2% 0.2V typ. @Io=100mA, 2.8VVo3.3V MTP5 Device Name NJU7250F30 NJU7250F32 NJU7250F33 VOUT 3.0V 3.2V 3.3V s TERMINAL DESCRIPTION No. Symbol Function 1 VIN Input 2 GND GND H: Regulation 3 STB L: Standby, Output off 4 NC Non Connection 5 VOUT Output s EQUIVALENT CIRCUIT s PIN CONFIGURATION 1 2 3 4 5 Short Current Protection Circuit VIN VOUT STB Vref GND GND - 1/3 - NJU7250 s ABSOLUTE MAXIMUM RATINGS Parameter Input Voltage Control Voltage Output Voltage Output Current Power Dissipation Operating Temperature Storage Temperature Symbol VIN VCONT VOUT IOUT PD Topr Tstg Ratings 9 GND-0.3 VIN+0.3 GND-0.3 VIN+0.3 200 250 -40 +85 -40 +150 (Ta=25C) Unit V V V mA mW C C s ELECTRICAL CHARACTERISTICS Parameter Output Voltage Output Current Symbol VO IO (CIN=0.1F, CO=2.2F, Ta=25C) Condition MIN. TYP. MAX. Unit -2% +2% V VIN=VO+1V, 1mAIO30mA 100 1.5VO1.7, VIN=VO+1V mA 150 1.8VO5.0, VIN=VO+1V VO=1.5V, IO=100mA 0.5 VO=1.6V, IO=100mA 0.4 VO=1.7V, IO=100mA 0.3 0.60 1.40 1.8VO1.9, IO=100mA V 0.35 0.70 2.0VO2.4, IO=100mA 0.24 0.35 2.5VO2.7, IO=100mA 0.20 0.30 2.8VO3.3, IO=100mA 0.17 0.26 3.4VO5.0, IO=100mA VIN=VO+1V, VCONT(ON)=VIN 35 70 A VIN=VO+1V, VCONT(OFF)=GND 0.1 1.0 A 12 40 mV VIN=VO+1V, 1mAIO80mA 0.05 100 8 VO=0V 2.5 1.5 0 50 5 10 VIN 0.25 0.2 %/V ppm/C V mA M V V V/rms Dropout Voltage VIO Operating Current Standby Current Load Regulation Line Regulation Output Voltage Temperature Coefficient Input Voltage Short Current Limit Pull-down Resistance H Level Control Voltage L Level Control Voltage Output Noise Voltage IQ IQ(OFF) VO/IO VO/ V =V +0.5V8V, IO=30mA VINVOUT IN O VO/T VIN ILIM RPD -40Ta+85C, IO=10mA VCONT(ON) VCONT(OFF) VNO f=10Hz100kHz 30 - 2/3 - NJU7250 TEST CIRCUIT 1. Output Voltage, Output Current, Dropout Voltage, 2. Input Voltage Operating Current, Line Regulation, Line Regulation, Output Voltage Temperature Coefficient, Short Current Limit A V V IN VOUT A V VIN VOUT STB GND STB GND V A 3. Standby Current 4. H Level Control Voltage, L Level Control Voltage, Pull-down Resistance VIN VOUT VIN STB VOUT A V STB GND A V GND [CAUTION] The specifications on this databook are only given for information , without any guarantee as regards either mistakes or omissions. The application circuits in this databook are described only to show representative usages of the product and not intended for the guarantee or permission of any right including the industrial rights. - 1/ 1 - |
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