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LTC1860 MXP6505 1N4791D 1N5711W BUZ15 UPD17234 RHF1401 KLNR300
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To Download BB729 Datasheet File

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  Datasheet File OCR Text:
 SMD Type
Tuner Diodes BB729
+0.1 -0.1 +0.1 0.55-0.1
Unit: mm
+0.05 1.1-0.05
Silicon epitaxial planar capacitance diodes with very wide effective capacitance variation for tuning the whole range of of VHF CTV tuners. These diodes are available as singles or as matched sets of two or more units according to the tracking condition described in the table of characteristics.
+0.05 0.1-0.02 +0.1 3.7-0.1
A bsolute M axim um R atings T a = 25
P aram eter R everse V oltage A m bient T em perature S torage T em perature R ange S ym bol VR T amb TS V alue 32 125 -55 to +125 U nit V
Electrical Characteristics Ta = 25
Parameter Reverse Breakdown Voltage Leakage Current Capacitance Effective Capacitance Ratio Series Resistance Series Inductance Symbol VBR(R) IR Ctot Cd(1V)/Cd(28V) rs Ls Conditions IR = 100 A Min 32 10 2.4 36 13.5 0.8 2.5 nH 2.9 42 Typ Max Unit V nA pF
VR = 30 V f = 1 MHz;VR = 28 V f = 1 MHz;VR = 1 V f = 1 MHz;VR = 1 to 28 V f = 470 MHz, Ctot = 25 pF
+0.1 1.6-0.1

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