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MS763 PRESSURE SENSOR DIE (0-300 mmHg) * * * * 0 to 300 mmHg range (0.4 bar or 5.8 PSI) Absolute or differential pressure sensors Medical applications RoHS-compatible & Pb-free1 DESCRIPTION The MS763 is a biomedical sensor. It has been designed as an implantable sensor where all the connections are on one side. The bonding pads are large in order to glue or solder wires on. The sensor element of the MS763 consists of a silicon micro-machined membrane. Implanted resistors sense the deformation of the membrane by using of the piezo-resistive effect. The MS763 is available as a differential sensor (MS763-S) without base Pyrex or as an absolute sensor with a 0.2 mm thick Pyrex (MS763-A). FEATURES * * * * Uncompensated pressure sensor die Small size, made for implantable sensor Connections on one side Sensitivity: 0.075 mV / mmHg@ 5V * * * Temperature Range -40 ...+125 C Linearity 0.15% (typical) 2 Die Size 1.3 x 2.2 mm High reliability * APPLICATION * * * Medical applications Blood pressure measurement. Designed for implantable devices * Differential pressure sensor systems. ELECTRICAL CONNECTIONS Positive output for pressure applied topside Vs+ : Supply voltage of Wheatstone bridge Out- : Negative output Out+ : Positive output GND : Ground Out+ OutVs+ GND 1 The European RoHS directive 2002/95/EC (Restriction of the use of certain Hazardous Substances in electrical and electronic equipment) bans the use of lead, mercury, cadmium, hexavalent chromium and polybrominated biphenyls (PBB) or polybrominated diphenyl ethers (PBDE). DA763_002.doc 00007631360 ECN 1147 October 9, 2008 1/4 PAD OUT MS763 Important remarks: There is no pad to connect the epitaxial layer to the Vs+ pin. Out+ LAYOUT GND Out- Vs+ MS763-A MS763-S DA763_002.doc 00007631360 ECN 1147 October 9, 2008 2/4 FULL SCALE PRESSURE kPa 40 bar 0.4 mbar 400 PSI 5.8 atm 0.4 mm Hg 300 m H2O 4.1 Inches H2O 161 ABSOLUTE MAXIMUM RATINGS Parameter Supply voltage Storage temperature Pressure overload Symbol VS+ TS Ta = 25 C -40 o Conditions Min Max 20 +150 20 Unit V C Bar o ELECTRICAL CHARACTERISTICS (Reference conditions: Supply Voltage VS+ = 5 Vdc; Ambient Temperature Ta = 25 ) C Parameter Operating Pressure Range Operating Temperature Range Bridge Resistance Full-scale span (FS) Zero Pressure Offset Linearity Temperature Coefficient of Resistance Span Offset Pressure Hysteresis Repeatability Temperature Hysteresis NOTES Min 0 -40 3.0 18 -40 Typ Max 0.4 125 Unit Bar C k mV mV % FS ppm/ C ppm/ C V/ C % FS % FS % FS 1 2 Notes 3.4 22.5 0 0.15 3.8 27 40 0.2 + 3300 - 2300 + 80 0.15 0.15 0.3 + 2400 - 1500 - 80 + 2800 - 1900 0.05 0.05 3 4 5 1) Deviation at one half full-scale pressure from the least squares best line fit over pressure range (0 to 0.4 bar). 2) Slope of the endpoint straight line from 25 to 60 C C. 3) Output deviation at any pressure within the specified range, when this pressure is cycled to and from the minimum or maximum rated pressure, at 25 C. 4) Same as 3) after 10 pressure cycles 5) Maximum difference in offset after one thermal cycle from -40 to +125 C C. DA763_002.doc 00007631360 ECN 1147 October 9, 2008 3/4 PICKING TOOLS The MS763 sensors have a membrane size of 0.5 x 0.5 mm and outer dimensions of 1,3 x 2.2 mm. The pick and place tool has to be of a soft material as rubber (Hardness 78-97 Shore A). Its external size must fit the sensor and the vacuum cavity must be as large as the membrane itself. Successful tests were done with some tools of SPT (see SPT drawing and references below). SPT references External dimension Internal dimensions RTR-A1-060x060 TL & TW: 0.06 inch /1.52 mm H: 0.035 inch / 0.89 mm ORDERING INFORMATION Product Code MS763-A MS763-S type Absolute Differential Product 300 mmHg Pressure Sensor 0.2 mm Pyrex sawn on b/f 300 mmHg Pressure Sensor sawn on b/f Art.-Nr. 76325022 76325221 The MS763 dice are supplied sawn on blue foil, mounted on plastic rings FACTORY CONTACTS Intersema Sensoric SA Ch. Chapons-des-Pres 11 CH-2022 BEVAIX SWITZERLAND Tel. 032 847 9550 Tel. Int. +41 32 847 9550 Telefax +41 32 847 9569 e-mail: http://www.intersema.ch NOTICE Intersema reserves the right to make changes to the products contained in this data sheet in order to improve the design or performance and to supply the best possible products. Intersema assumes no responsibility for the use of any circuits shown in this data sheet, conveys no license under any patent or other rights unless otherwise specified in this data sheet, and makes no claim that the circuits are free from patent infringement. Applications for any devices shown in this data sheet are for illustration only and Intersema makes no claim or warranty that such applications will be suitable for the use specified without further testing or modification. DA763_002.doc 00007631360 ECN 1147 October 9, 2008 4/4 |
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