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  W78E858 data sheet 8-bit microcontroller publication release date: november 6, 2006 - 1 - revision a7 table of contents- 1. general des cription ......................................................................................................... 3 2. features ....................................................................................................................... .......... 3 3. pin configura tions ............................................................................................................ 4 4. pin descri ption................................................................................................................ ..... 5 5. functional des cription ................................................................................................... 6 5.1 ram ............................................................................................................................ .... 6 5.2 eeprom ........................................................................................................................ 6 5.2.1 byte writ e mode ...............................................................................................................6 5.2.2 page write mode..............................................................................................................6 5.2.3 software protected data write .........................................................................................7 5.2.4 command codes for software data protec tion enable/disable and software erase.......7 5.3 demo c ode:.................................................................................................................... 8 5.4 on-chip flas h eprom ................................................................................................. 10 5.5 timers 0, 1, and 2......................................................................................................... 11 5.6 clock .......................................................................................................................... ... 11 5.7 crystal osc illator ........................................................................................................... 11 5.8 external clock ............................................................................................................... 11 5.9 power m anagement ...................................................................................................... 11 5.9.1 idle mode...................................................................................................................... ..11 5.9.2 power-down mode ..........................................................................................................11 5.9.3 wake-up via external inte rrupts int0 to int9 ...............................................................12 5.10 reset.......................................................................................................................... ... 13 5.11 pulse width modul ator sy stem .................................................................................... 15 5.11.1 pwmcon ( 91h) ...........................................................................................................15 5.11.2 pwmp ( 92h) ................................................................................................................15 5.12 in-system progra mming syst em .................................................................................. 16 5.12.1 sfral (c 4h) ...............................................................................................................16 5.12.2 sfrah (c 5h) ...............................................................................................................16 5.12.3 sfrfd (c 6h) ...............................................................................................................16 5.12.4 sfrcn (c7h )...............................................................................................................17 5.13 in-system programming m ode operating table .......................................................... 17 5.13.1 chpcon (b fh) ...........................................................................................................18 5.14 mxpsr (a 2h)............................................................................................................... 18 5.15 interrupt system ........................................................................................................... 18 5.16 external interrupts int2 to int9................................................................................... 19 5.16.1 ie_1 (e8h )....................................................................................................................1 9
W78E858 - 2 - 5.16.2 ip1 (f 8h)...................................................................................................................... 19 5.16.3 ix1 (e 9h)...................................................................................................................... 20 5.16.4 irq1 (c 0h) ...................................................................................................................20 5.16.5 interrupt priority and vector a ddress ............................................................................20 5.17 f04kboot mode (boot from 4k bytes ldrom) ....................................................... 21 5.17.1 f04kboot mode .........................................................................................................21 5.18 security ....................................................................................................................... .. 21 5.18.1 lock bit (b it0) ...............................................................................................................2 2 5.18.2 movc lock (bit1) .........................................................................................................22 5.18.3 scramble enabl e (bit 2).................................................................................................22 5.18.4 oscillator gain se lect (b it7) ..........................................................................................22 5.19 watch dog timer.......................................................................................................... 23 5.19.1 wdtc (8 fh) ................................................................................................................23 5.20 programmable clock-out .............................................................................................. 24 5.21 reduce emi em ission .................................................................................................. 24 6. electrical chara cteristi cs......................................................................................... 25 6.1 absolute maxi mum rati ngs .......................................................................................... 25 6.2 d.c. characte ristic s...................................................................................................... 25 6.3 a.c. characte ristic s ...................................................................................................... 27 6.3.1 clock input wa veform ....................................................................................................27 6.3.2 program fetc h cycl e......................................................................................................27 6.3.3 data read cycle ............................................................................................................28 6.3.4 data write cycle .............................................................................................................28 6.3.5 port access cycle ..........................................................................................................28 6.3.6 flash mode timing .........................................................................................................28 7. timing w aveforms ............................................................................................................. 29 7.1 program fetc h cycle .................................................................................................... 29 7.2 data read cycle ........................................................................................................... 29 7.3 data write cycle........................................................................................................... 30 7.4 port access cycle......................................................................................................... 30 8. typical applicat ion circui ts ........................................................................................ 31 8.1 expanded external program memory and cr ystal ....................................................... 31 8.2 expanded external data me mory and osc illator ......................................................... 32 9. package dime nsions ......................................................................................................... 33 9.1 40-pin dip ..................................................................................................................... 33 9.2 44-pin pl cc ................................................................................................................. 33 9.3 44-pin pq fp ................................................................................................................. 34 10. version hi story ................................................................................................................ .35
W78E858 publication release date: november 6, 2006 - 3 - revision a7 1. general description the W78E858 is an 8-bit microcontroller which has an in-system programmable flash eprom for firmware updating. the instruction set of the W78E858 is fully com patible with the standard 8052. the W78E858 contains a 32k bytes of main flash eprom and a 4k bytes of auxiliary flash eprom which allows the contents of the 32kb main flash eprom to be updated by the loader program located at the 4kb auxiliary flash eprom rom; 768 bytes of on-chip ram; 128 bytes of eeprom, 8 extra power down wake-up through int2 to int9; 4 channel 8-bit pwm; four 8-bit bi-directional and bit-addressable i/o ports; an additional 4-bit port p4 ; three 16-bit timer/counters where the timer2 with programmable clock output and 17-bit watchdog timer are built in this device; a serial port. these peripherals are supported by a eight sources two-le vel interrupt capability. to facilitate programming and verification, the flash eprom inside the W78E858 allows the program memory to be programmed and read electronically. once the code is confirmed, the user can protect the code for security. 2. features ? fully static design 8-bit cmos micro-controller up to 40 mhz ? 32k bytes of in-system programmable fl ash eprom for application program (aprom) ? 4k bytes of auxiliary flash eprom for loader program (ldrom) ? low standby current at full supply voltage ? 256 + 512 bytes of on-chip ram ? 128 bytes on-chip eeprom memory ? 64k bytes program memory address spac e and 64k bytes data memory address space ? four 8-bit bi-directional ports ? one 4-bit bi-directional port ? extra interrupts int2 to int9 at port1 ? wake-up via external interrupts int0 ? int9 ? three 16-bit timer/counters ? one full duplex serial port ? fourteen-sources, two- level interrupt capability ? programmable timer2 clock output via p1.0 ? 17-bits watchdog timer ? four channels 8-bit pwm ? built-in power management ? code protection ? packaged in pdip 40 / plcc 44 / pqfp 44
W78E858 - 4 - 3. pin configurations 44-pin plcc 40 2 1 44 43 42 41 6543 39 38 37 36 35 34 33 32 31 30 29 p0.4, ad4 p0.5, ad5 p0.6, ad6 p0.7, ad7 ea ale psen p2.7, a15 p2.6, a14 p2.5, a13 28 27 26 25 24 23 22 21 20 19 18 17 10 9 8 7 14 13 12 11 16 15 p1.5 p1.6 p1.7 rst rxd, p3.0 txd, p3.1 int0, p3.2 int1, p3.3 t0, p3.4 t1, p3.5 x t a l 1 v s s p 2 . 4 , a 1 2 p 2 . 3 , a 1 1 p 2 . 2 , a 1 0 p 2 . 1 , a 9 p 2 . 0 , a 8 x t a l 2 p 3 . 7 , / r d p 3 . 6 , / w r p4.1 p4.3 p 4 . 0 p 1 . 4 p 1 . 3 p 1 . 2 t 2 e x . p 1 . 1 t 2 . p 1 . 0 p 4 . 2 v d d a d 0 . p 0 . 0 a d 1 . p 0 . 1 a d 2 . p 0 . 2 a d 3 . p 0 . 3 p1.0 p1.1 p1.2 p1.3 p1.4 p1.5 p1.6 p1.7 rst rxd, p3.0 txd, p3.1 int0, p3.2 int1, p3.3 t0, p3.4 t1, p3.5 wr, p3.6 rd, p3.7 xtal2 xtal1 vss vcc p0.0, ad0 p0.1, ad1 p0.2, ad2 p0.3, ad3 p0.4, ad4 p0.5, ad5 p0.6, ad6 p0.7, ad7 ea ale psen p2.7, a15 p2.6, a14 p2.5, a13 p2.4, a12 p2.3, a11 p2.2, a10 p2.1, a9 p2.0, a8 40-pin dip 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 40 39 38 37 36 35 34 33 32 31 30 29 28 27 26 25 24 23 22 21 34 40 39 38 37 36 33 32 31 30 29 28 27 26 23 p0.4, ad4 p0.5, ad5 p0.6, ad6 p0.7, ad7 ea p4.1 ale psen p2.7, a15 p2.6, a14 p2.5, a13 22 21 20 19 18 17 16 15 14 13 11 4 3 2 1 8 7 6 5 10 9 p1.5 p1.6 p1.7 rst rxd, p3.0 p4.3 txd, p3.1 int0, p3.2 int1, p3.3 t0, p3.4 t1, p3.5 p 1 . 4 p 1 . 3 p 1 . 2 t 2 e x . p 1 . 1 t 2 . p 1 . 0 v d d a d 0 . p 0 . 0 a d 1 . p 0 . 1 a d 2 . p 0 . 2 a d 3 . p 0 . 3 p 4 . 2 44 43 42 41 12 x t a l 1 v s s p 2 . 4 , a 1 2 p 2 . 3 , a 1 1 p 2 . 2 , a 1 0 p 2 . 1 , a 9 p 2 . 0 , a 8 x t a l 2 p 3 . 7 , / r d p 3 . 6 , / w r p 4 . 0 35 25 24 44-pin pqfp
W78E858 publication release date: november 6, 2006 - 5 - revision a7 4. pin description symbol type descriptions e a i external access enable: e a low forces the processor to execute the external rom. the rom address and data will not be present on the bus if the ea pin is high and the program counter is within the 32 kb area. otherwise they will be present on the bus. psen o/h program strobe enable: psen enables the external rom data in the port 0 address/data bus. when internal rom access is performed, no psen strobe signal outputs originate from this pin. ale o/h address latch enable: ale is used to enable the address latch that separates the address from the data on po rt 0. ale runs at 1/6th of the oscillator frequency. an ale pulse is omitted during external data memory accesses. rst i/l reset: a high on this pin for two machine cycles while the oscillator is running resets the device. rst has a sc hmitt trigger input stage to provide additional noise immunity with a slow rising input voltage. xtal1 i crystal 1: this is the crystal oscillator i nput. this pin may be driven by an external clock xtal2 o crystal 2: this is the crystal oscillator out put. it is the inversion of xtal1. v ss i ground: ground potential. v dd i power supply: supply voltage for operation. p0.0 ? p0.7 i/o d port 0: function is the same as that of the standard 8052. p1.0 ? p1.7 i/o h port 1: function is the same as that of the standard 8052. port1 also service the alternative function int2 ? int9. p1.0 provide a timer2 programmable clock output. four channel pwm clock output via p1.4 ? p1.7 p2.0 ? p2.7 i/o h port 2: port 2 is a bi-directional i/o port with internal pull-ups and emits the high-order address byte during accesses external memory p3.0 ? p3.7 i/o h port 3: function is the same as that of the standard 8052 p4.0 ? p4.3 i/o h port 4: function is the same as port1 * note: type i: input, o: output, i/o: bi-directional, h: pull-high, l: pull-low, d: open drain
W78E858 - 6 - 5. functional description the W78E858 architecture consists of a core cont roller surrounded by various registers, four 8-bit general purpose i/o ports, one 4-bits general pur pose i/o port, 256 bytes data ram and 512 bytes auxiliary ram, 128 bytes embedded eeprom memory, th ree timer/counters, one serial port, 17-bit watch-dog timer, 8-bit four channels pwm, progr ammable timer2 clock output, extra external interrupts int2 to int9, power-down wake up via external interrupts int0 ? int9. the cpu supports 111 different op-codes and references both a 64k program address space and a 64 k data storage space. 5.1 ram the internal data ram in W78E858 is 768 bytes. it is divided into two banks: 256 bytes of data ram and 512 bytes of auxiliary ram. these ra m are addressed by different ways. ? ram 00h ? 7fh can be addressed directly and indirect ly as the same as in 80c51. address pointers are r0 and r1 of the selected register bank. ? ram 80h ? ffh can only be addressed indirectly as t he same as in 80c51. address pointers are r0, r1 of the selected registers bank. ? auxiliary ram 0000h ? 01ffh is addressed indirectly as the same way to access external data memory with the movx instruction. address point ers are r0 and r1 of the selected register bank and dptr register. by setting enauxram flag in chpcon register bit4 to enable on-chip auxiliary ram 512 bytes. when t he auxiliary ram is enabled, t he data and address will not appear on p0 and p2, they will keep their previous status that before the movx in struction be executed. write the page select 00h or 01h to mxpsr regi ster if r0 and r1 are used as address pointer. when the address of external data memory locati ons higher than 01ffh or disable auxiliary ram 512 bytes micro-controller will be performed with the movx instruction in the same way as in the 80c51. the auxiliary ram 512 bytes default is disabled after chip reset. 5.2 eeprom the 128 bytes eeprom is defined in external data memory space that located in ff80h-ffffh in standard 8-bit series. it is accessed the same as auxiliary ram512 bytes, the eneeprom flag in chpcon register bit5 is set. write the page select 02h to mxpsr register, r0 and r1are used as address pointer. the eeprom provided byte write, page write mode and software write protection is used to protect the data lose when power on or noise. they are described as below: 5.2.1 byte write mode once a byte write has been started, it will autom atically time itself to completion. a busy signal (mxpsr.7) will be used to detect the end of write operation. 5.2.2 page write mode the eeprom is divided into 2 pages and each page cont ains 64 bytes. the page write allows one to 64 bytes of data to be written into the memory dur ing a single internal programming cycle. page write is initiated in the same manner as byte write mode. after the first byte is written, it can then be followed by one to 63 additional bytes. if a second byte is written within a byte-load cycle time (tblc) of 150us, the eeprom will stay at page load cycle. additional bytes can then be loaded consecutively. the page load cycle will be terminated and the internal programming cycle will start if no additional byte is load within 300us from the la st byte be loaded. the address bit6 specify the page
W78E858 publication release date: november 6, 2006 - 7 - revision a7 address. all bytes that are loaded to the buffer must have the same page address. the data for page write may be loaded in any order, the sequential loading is not required. 5.2.3 software protected data write the eeprom provides a jeded-approved optional softw are-protected data write. once this scheme is enabled, any write operation require s a series of three-byte progr am commands (with specific data to a specific address) to be performed before t he data load operation. the three-byte load command sequence begins the page load cycle, wi thout which the write operation w ill not activated. this write scheme provides optimal protection against inadvertent write cycles, su ch as cycles triggered by noise during system power-up or power-down. once enabled, the software data protection will remain enabled unless the disable commands are issued. to reset the device to unprotected mode, a six- byte command sequence is required. the address mapping of the external memory is given as following, if enauxram or eneeprom flags in chpcon is not set, the cpu will access exte rnal memory instead of the on-chip memory. the data, address and read/write strobe signal will appear on relative io port just like standard 80c52. 5.2.4 command codes for software data protection enable/disable and software erase byte enable write protect disable write protect software erase sequence address data address data address data 0 write ffd5h aah ffd5h aah ffd5h aah 1 write ffaah 55h ffaah 55h ffaah 55h 2 write ffd5h a0h ffd5h 80h ffd5h 80h 3 write - - ffd5h aah ffd5h aah 4 write - - ffaah 55h ffaah 55h 5 write - - ffd5h 20h ffd5h 10h auiliary ram 512 bytes 0000h 01ffh 0200h eeprom 128 bytes ff80h ffffh external memory fig. on-chip external memory addressed mapping (a) standard 51 series
W78E858 - 8 - 5.3 demo code: eeprom_base equ ff80h org 0000h jmp start org 500h start: mov chpenr,#87h mov chpenr,#59h orl chpcon,#00100000b ; enable eeprom mov chpenr,#00h call enable_protect mov dptr,#eeprom_base mov r0,#40h ; only write up to 64 byte/page. write from ff80h to ffbfh. mov r1,#55h ; write 55 data. call write_eeprom_block call enable_protect ; call it before writing mov dptr,#eeprom_base+40h mov r0,#40h ; write from ffc0h to ffffh address. mov r1,#55h call write_eeprom_block mov dptr,#eeprom_base mov r0,#80h mov r1,#55h call read_eeprom_block jc $error mov chpenr,#87h mov chpenr,#59h anl chpcon,#11011111b ; disable eeprom mov chpenr,#00h clr c jmp $end $error: mov chpenr,#87h mov chpenr,#59h anl chpcon,#11011111b ; disable eeprom mov chpenr,#00h setb c $end: sjmp $ ;----------------------------------------------------------------- disable_protect: mov dptr,#eeprom_base+55h mov a,#aah movx @dptr,a mov dptr,#eeprom_base+2ah mov a,#55h movx @dptr,a mov dptr,#eeprom_base+55h mov a,#80h movx @dptr,a
W78E858 publication release date: november 6, 2006 - 9 - revision a7 mov dptr,#eeprom_base+55h mov a,#aah movx @dptr,a mov dptr,#eeprom_base+2ah mov a,#55h movx @dptr,a mov dptr,#eeprom_base+55h mov a,#20h movx @dptr,a call busy_waiting ret ;----------------------------------------------------------------- eeprom_erase: mov dptr,#eeprom_base+55h mov a,#aah movx @dptr,a mov dptr,#eeprom_base+2ah mov a,#55h movx @dptr,a mov dptr,#eeprom_base+55h mov a,#80h movx @dptr,a mov dptr,#eeprom_base+55h mov a,#aah movx @dptr,a mov dptr,#eeprom_base+2ah ;a5~a0 mov a,#55h movx @dptr,a mov dptr,#eeprom_base+55h mov a,#10h movx @dptr,a call busy_waiting ret ;----------------------------------------------------------------- enable_protect: mov dptr,#eeprom_base+55h mov a,#aah movx @dptr,a mov dptr,#eeprom_base+2ah mov a,#55h movx @dptr,a mov dptr,#eeprom_base+55h mov a,#a0h movx @dptr,a ret ;----------------------------------------------------------------- busy_waiting: $wait1: mov a,mxpsr jnb acc.7,$wait1 $wait0: mov a,mxpsr jb acc.7,$wait0 ret
W78E858 - 10 - ;---------------------------------------------------------------- write_eeprom_block: ;input r0:counter ;input r1:pattern form ;input dptr:eeprom base address $write_loop: mov a,r1 movx @dptr,a inc dpl djnz r0,$write_loop call busy_waiting ret ;---------------------------------------------------------------- read_eeprom_block: ;input r0:counter ;input r1:pattern form ;input dptr:eeprom base address ;output setb c --> fail push b $read_loop: movx a,@dptr mov b,a mov a,r1 cjne a,b,$error inc dpl djnz r0,$read_loop clr c jmp $end $error: setb c $end: pop b ret .end 5.4 on-chip flash eprom the W78E858 includes two banks of flash eprom. o ne is 32k bytes of main flash eprom for application program (aprom) and another 4k bytes of flash eprom for loader program (ldrom) when operating the in-system programming feature. in normal operation, the micro-controller will execute the code from the 32k byte s of aprom. by setting program registers, user can force cpu to switch to the programming mode which will execute the code (loader program) from the 4k bytes of auxiliary ldrom, and this loader program is goi ng to update the contents of the 32k bytes of aprom. after chip reset, the micro-controller exec utes the new application program in the aprom. this in-system programming feature makes the j ob easy and efficient in which the application needs to update firmware frequently. in some applications , the in-system programming feature make it possible that end-user is able to easily update t he system firmware by themselves without opening the chassis.
W78E858 publication release date: november 6, 2006 - 11 - revision a7 5.5 timers 0, 1, and 2 timers 0, 1, and 2 each consist of two 8-bit data r egisters. these are called tl0 and th0 for timer 0, tl1 and th1 for timer 1, and tl2 and th2 for time r 2. the tcon and tmod registers provide control functions for timers 0, 1. the t2con regist er provides control functions for timer 2. rcap2h and rcap2l are used as reload/capture registers for timer 2. the operations of timer 0 and timer 1 are the sa me as in the w78c51. timer 2 is a 16-bit timer/counter that is configured and controlled by the t2con register . like timers 0 and 1, timer 2 can operate as either an external event counter or as an internal timer, depending on the setting of bit c/t2 in t2con. timer 2 has three operating m odes: capture, auto-reload, and baud rate generator. the clock speed at capture or auto-reload mode is the same as that of timers 0 and 1. 5.6 clock the W78E858 is designed to use with either a crystal oscillator or an external clock. internally, the clock is divided by two before it is used by default. this makes the W78E858 relatively insensitive to duty cycle variations in the clock. 5.7 crystal oscillator the W78E858 incorporates a built-in crystal oscillator. to make the oscillator work, a crystal must be connected across pins xtal1 and xtal2. in addition, a load capacitor must be connected from each pin to ground, and a resistor must also be connect ed from xtal1 to xtal2 to provide a dc bias when the crystal frequency is above 24 mhz. 5.8 external clock an external clock should be connected to pin xtal1. pin xtal2 should be left unconnected. the xtal1 input is a cmos-type input, as required by the crystal oscillator. as a result, the external clock signal should have an input one leve l of greater than 3.5 volts. 5.9 power management 5.9.1 idle mode the cpu will enter to idle by setting the idl bit in the pcon register. in the idle mode, the internal clock to the processor is stopped. the peripherals and the interrupt logic continue to be clocked. the processor will exit idle mode when either an interrupt or a reset occurs. 5.9.2 power-down mode when the pd bit of the pcon register is set, t he processor enters the power-down mode. in this mode all of the clocks, including the oscillator ar e stopped. there are two ways to exit power-down mode, one is by a chip reset and another is via exter nal interrupts wake up if the related control flags are enabled.
W78E858 - 12 - 5.9.3 wake-up via external interrupts int0 to int9 if the external interrupts int0 to int9 are enabled, the W78E858 can be awakened from power down mode with the external interrupts if the ea flag in ie register and related interrupt enable is set before enter power down mode. to ensure that the oscillator is stable before the controller starts, the internal clock will remain inactive for some oscillator peri ods. this is controlled by a on-chip delay counter. the delay time is software selectable and the rese t default value is 1536 periods. by setting the ps2 ? ps0 bits in auxr register the delay periods is given as below: ps2 ps1 ps0 delay periods delay time (20 mhz) 0 0 0 192 0.0096 ms 0 0 1 384 0.0192 ms 0 1 0 768 0.0384 ms 0 1 1 1536 0.0768 ms 1 0 0 3072 0.1536 ms 1 0 1 6144 0.372 ms 1 1 0 12288 0.6144 ms 1 1 1 24576 1.2288 ms interrupt in0~int9 oscillator reset-pin power-down delay counter x tosc > 24 x tosc .... ... internal clock fig. power-down w ake up operation
W78E858 publication release date: november 6, 2006 - 13 - revision a7 or8 wake up p1.7 p1.6 p1.5 p1.4 p1.3 p1.2 p1.1 p1.0 ix1 ien1 irq1 x9 x2 x3 x4 x5 x6 x7 x8 fig. port1 external interrupt configuration 5.10 reset the external rst signal is sampled at s5p2. to ta ke effect, it must be held high for at least two machine cycles while the oscillator is running. an in ternal trigger circuit in the reset line is used to deglitch the reset line when the ra80xx is used with an external rc network. the reset logic also has a special glitch removal circuit that ignores glit ches on the reset line. during reset, the ports are initialized to ffh, the stack pointer to 07h, pcon (w ith the exception of bit 4) to 00h, and all of the other sfr registers except sbu f to 00h. sbuf is not reset.
W78E858 - 14 - W78E858 special function registers and reset values f8 +ip1 0000000 ff f0 +b 00000000 chpenr 00000000 f7 e8 +ie_1 00000000 ix1 00000000 ef e0 +acc 00000000 e7 d8 +p4 11111111 df d0 +psw 00000000 d7 c8 +t2con 00000000 t2mod xxxxxx0x rcap2l 00000000 rcap2h 00000000 tl2 00000000 th2 00000000 cf c0 +irq1 00000000 sfral 00000000 sfrah 00000000 sfrfd 00000000 sfrcn 00000000 c7 b8 +ip 000000 chpcon 0xx00000 bf b0 +p3 00000000 b7 a8 +ie 01000000 af a0 +p2 11111111 mxpsr 0xxxxx00 a7 98 +scon 00000000 sbuf xxxxxxxx 9f 90 +p1 11111111 pwmcon xxxx0000 pwmp 00000000 dac0 00000000 dac1 00000000 dac2 00000000 dac3 00000000 97 88 +tcon 00000000 tmod 00000000 tl0 00000000 tl1 00000000 th0 00000000 th1 00000000 auxr xxxx0110 wdtc 000xx000 8f 80 +p0 11111111 sp 00000111 dpl 00000000 dph 00000000 pcon 00110000 87 note: the sfrs marked with a plus sign(+) are both byte and bit-addressable.
W78E858 publication release date: november 6, 2006 - 15 - revision a7 5.11 pulse width modulator system the pulse width modulator system of W78E858 c ontains four pwm output channels with a common 8- bit counter. these channels generate pulses of progr ammable length and interval. the prescaler and counter are common to four pwm channels. 5.11.1 pwmcon (91h) bit name function 7 ? 4 - reverse 3 pwm3 enable p1.7 as pwm clock output. 2 pwm2 enable p1.6 as pwm clock output. 1 pwm1 enable p1.5 as pwm clock output. 0 pwm0 enable p1.4 as pwm clock output. 5.11.2 pwmp (92h) the prescaler is loaded with the complement of the pwmp register during counter overflow. the repetition frequency is defined by 8-bit prescaler which clocks the counter. the prescaler division factor = (pwmp + 1). reading the pwmp gives the current reload value. the actual count of the prescaler can?t be read. the pwm counter is enabled with any bit pwmenn (n = 0, 1, 2, 3) of the pwmcon register. output to the port pin is separately enabled by setting the pwmenn bits in the pwmcon register. the pwm function is reset by a chip reset. in idle mode, the pwm will function as c onfigurated in pwmcon. in power-down state of the pwm will freeze when the in ternal clock stops. if the chip is awakened with an external interrupt, the pwm will continue to function its state when power-down was entered. the repetition frequency is given by: fpwm = fosc [255 x (1+pwmp)] an oscillator frequency of 24 mhz results in a repetition range of 367.65 hz to 94.12 khz. the high/low ratio of pwmn is dacn/(255-dacn) for da cn values except 255. a dacn value 255 results in a high pwmn output.
W78E858 - 16 - pwmen0 pw men1 pwmen2 pwmen3 endac or pwmp sfr 8-bit prescaler 8-bit up counter dac2 8-bit detect 8-bit detect dac3 dac0 8-bit detect 8-bit detect dac1 and fosc internal bus output buffer output buffer output buffer output buffer p1.4 p1.5 p1.6 p1.7 fig. four channels 8-bit pwm function block diagram 5.12 in-system programming system the W78E858 provided in-system programming functi on for new firmware updated. after the related register and flags are set, user can start timer and force the cpu enter idle mode, then W78E858 will perform the in-system program mode function s pecify in sfrcn register, the destination data and address will come from the related sfr. the chpcon is read only by default. firmware desi gner must write 87h, 59h sequentially to this special register chpenr to enable the chpcon writ e attribute, and write other value to disable chpcon write attribute. this register protects from writing to the chpcon register carelessly. 5.12.1 sfral (c4h) the programming low-order byte address of flash eprom in-system programming mode 5.12.2 sfrah (c5h) the programming high-order byte address of flash eprom in-system programming mode 5.12.3 sfrfd (c6h) the programming data for on-chip flash eprom in-system programming mode
W78E858 publication release date: november 6, 2006 - 17 - revision a7 5.12.4 sfrcn (c7h) bit name function 7 - reserve. 6 wfwin on-chip flash eprom bank sele ct for in-system programming. = 0: 32k bytes flash eprom bank is selected as destination for re- programming. = 1: 4k bytes flash eprom bank is selected as destination for re- programming. 5 oen flash eprom output enable. 4 cen flash eprom chip enable. 3 ? 0 ctrl[3:0] the flash control signals 5.13 in-system programming mode operating table mode ctrl<3:0> wfwin oen cen sfral sfrah sfrfd erase 32k aprom 0010 0 1 0 x x x erase 4k ldrom 0010 1 1 0 x x x program 32k aprom 0001 0 1 0 address address data in program 4k ldrom 0001 1 1 0 address address data in read 32k aprom 0000 0 0 0 address address data out read 4k ldrom 0000 1 0 0 address address data out
W78E858 - 18 - 5.13.1 chpcon (bfh) bit name function 7 swreset (f04kmode) when this bit is set to 1, and both fbootsl and fprogen are set to 1. it will enforce microcontroller reset to in itial condition just like power on reset. this action will re-boot the microcont roller and start to normal operation. to read this bit can determine that the f04kboot mode is running. 6 - reserve. 5 eneeprom enable on-chip 128 bytes eeprom. 4 enauxram enable on-chip 512 bytes auxiliary ram. 3 ? 2 - - 1 fbootsl the loader program location selection. = 0: loader program in 32k memory bank. = 1: loader program in 4k memory bank. 0 fprogen in system programming enable flag. = 1: enable. the cpu switches to the programming flash mode after entering the idle mode and waken up from interrupt. the cpu will execute the loader program while in on-chip programming mode. = 0: disable. the on-chip fl ash eprom read-only. in-system programmability is inhibit. 5.14 mxpsr (a2h) bit name function 7 busy eeprom busy signal. 1: eeprom is writing. 6-2 - reserved. 1-0 addrpnt address pointer by movx instruction 0: read or write lower 256 byte auxiliary ram by pointer of r0 or r1 register 1: read or write higher 256 byte aux iliary ram by pointer of r0 or r1 register 2: 128 byte eeprom by pointer of r0 or r1 register 5.15 interrupt system external events and the real-t ime-driven on-chip peripherals require service by the cpu asynchronous to do execution of any particular sect ion of code. to tie the asynchronous actives of these functions to normal program execution, a mu ltiple-source, two-priority-level, nested interrupt system is provided. the W78E858 acknowledges inte rrupt requests from four teen sources as below: ? int0 and int1 ? timer0 and timer1 ? uart serial i/o ? int2 to int9 (at port1)
W78E858 publication release date: november 6, 2006 - 19 - revision a7 5.16 external interrupts int2 to int9 port1 lines serve an alternative purpose at eight additional interrupts int2 to int9. when enabled, each of these lines may "wake-up" the device from power-down mode. using the ix1 register, the each pin may be initialized to either active high or low. irq1 is the interrupt request flag register. each flag, if the interrupt is enabled will be se t on an interrupt request but must be cleared by software, i.e. via the interrupt softwar e or when the interrupt is disable. the port1 interrupts are level sensitive. a port1 interrupt will be recognized when a level (high or low depending on interrupt polarity register ix1) on p1.x is held active for at least one machine cycle. the interrupt request is not served until the next machine cycle. 5.16.1 ie_1 (e8h) bit name function 7 ex9 enable external interrupt 9 6 ex8 enable external interrupt 8 5 ex7 enable external interrupt 7 4 ex6 enable external interrupt 6 3 ex5 enable external interrupt 5 2 ex4 enable external interrupt 4 1 ex3 enable external interrupt 3 0 ex2 enable external interrupt 2 5.16.2 ip1 (f8h) bit name function 7 px9 external interrupt 9 priority level 6 px8 external interrupt 8 priority level 5 px7 external interrupt 7 priority level 4 px6 external interrupt 6 priority level 3 px5 external interrupt 5 priority level 2 px4 external interrupt 4 priority level 1 px3 external interrupt 3 priority level 0 px2 external interrupt 2 priority level
W78E858 - 20 - 5.16.3 ix1 (e9h) bit name function 7 il9 external interrupt 9 polarity level 6 il8 external interrupt 8 polarity level 5 il7 external interrupt 7 polarity level 4 il6 external interrupt 6 polarity level 3 il5 external interrupt 5 polarity level 2 il4 external interrupt 4 polarity level 1 il3 external interrupt 3 polarity level 0 il2 external interrupt 2 polarity level 5.16.4 irq1 (c0h) bit name function 7 iq9 external interrupt 9 request flag 6 iq8 external interrupt 8 request flag 5 iq7 external interrupt 7 request flag 4 iq6 external interrupt 6 request flag 3 iq5 external interrupt 5 request flag 2 iq4 external interrupt 4 request flag 1 iq3 external interrupt 3 request flag 0 iq2 external interrupt 2 request flag 5.16.5 interrupt priority and vector address priority interrupt vector source priority interrupt vector source 1 int0 0003h external 0 8 tf1 001bh timer 1 2 int5 0053h external 5 9 sint 0023h uart 3 tf0 000bh timer 0 10 tf2 002bh timer 2 4 int6 005bh external 6 11 int3 0043h external 3 5 int1 0013h external 1 12 int8 006bh external 8 6 int2 003bh external 2 13 int4 004bh external 4 7 int7 0063h external 7 14 int9 0073h external 9
W78E858 publication release date: november 6, 2006 - 21 - revision a7 5.17 f04kboot mode (boot from 4k bytes ldrom) the W78E858 boots from aprom program (32k byte s bank) by default after chip reset. on some occasions, user can force the W78E858 to boot from the ldrom program (4k bank) after chip reset. the setting for this special mode is as follow. 5.17.1 f04kboot mode rst p4.3 p2.7 p2.6 mode h x l l fo4kboot h l x x fo4kboot note: in application system design, user must take care the p2, p3, ale, e a and psen pin status at reset to avoid W78E858 entering the programming mode or f04kboot mode in normal operation. enter 4k reboot mode timing ts=1us th > 24 clocks p2.6 p2.7 x x reset 5.18 security during the on-chip flash eprom programming mode, the flash eprom can be programmed and verified repeatedly. until the code inside the fl ash eprom is confirmed ok, the code can be protected. the protection of flash eprom and those operations on it are described below: the W78E858 has several special setting registers in flash eprom block. those bits of the security register can?t be changed once they have been programmed from high to low. they can only be reset through erase-all operation. the security r egister is located at the ffffh on the same bank with 4k ldrom i.e., p3.6 must set high at writer mode.
W78E858 - 22 - security register 4kb ldrom ffffh 0000h 0ffeh on-chip reversed 5.18.1 lock bit (bit0) this bit is used to protect the customer's pr ogram code in the W78E858. it may be set after the programmer finishes the programming and verifies sequenc e. once these bits are set to logic 0, both the flash eprom data and all data in flash eprom block can?t be accessed again. 5.18.2 movc lock (bit1) when this bit is program to "0", the movc instru ction will be disable when the program counter more than 7fffh or ea pin is forced low. 5.18.3 scramble enable (bit2) this bit is used to protect the cust omer's program code in the W78E858. if this bit is set to logic 0, the dump rom code are scrambled by a scramble circ uit and the dump rom code will become a random rom code. 5.18.4 oscillator gain select (bit7) if this bit is set to logic 0 (for 24 mhz), the emi effe ct will be reduce. if this bit is set to logic 1 (for 40 mhz), the W78E858 could to use 40 mhz crystal, but the emi effect is major. so we provide the option bit which could be chose by customer.
W78E858 publication release date: november 6, 2006 - 23 - revision a7 5.19 watch dog timer for more system reliability, w 78e858 provides a programmable watch-dog time-out reset function. from programming prescaler select, user can choose a variable prescaler from divided by 2 to divided by 256 to get a suitable time-out peri od. the time-out period is given by: t time-out = 1 fosc x 2 14 x prescaler x 1000 x 12 (ms) (note: fosc unit = hz) 5.19.1 wdtc (8fh) bit name function 7 enw enable watch-dog timer if set. 6 clrw clear watch-dog timer and prescaler if set. this flag will be cleared auto- matically. 5 widl if this bit is set, watch-dog is enabled under idle mode. if cleared, watch-dog is disable under idle mode. default is cleared. 4 ? 3 - reversed. 2 ps2 watch-dog prescaler timer select. 1 ps1 watch-dog prescaler timer select. 0 ps0 watch-dog prescaler timer select. ps2 ps1 ps0 prescaler selcet watch-dog time-out period (f osc = 20 mhz) 0 0 0 2 19.66 ms 0 1 0 4 39.32 ms 0 0 1 8 78.64 ms 0 1 1 16 157.28 ms 1 0 0 32 314.57 ms 1 0 1 64 629.14 ms 1 1 0 128 1.25 ms 1 1 1 256 2.52 ms
W78E858 - 24 - 5.20 programmable clock-out a 50% duty cycle clock can be programmed to come out on p1.0. to configure the timer/counter2 as a clock generator, bit c/t2 in t2con register must be cleared and bit t2oe in t2mod register must be set. bit tr2 (t2con.2) also must be set to start timer. the clock-out frequency depends on the oscillator frequency and reload value of timer2 capture register (rcap2h, rcap2l) as shown in this equation: )) 2 , 2 ( 65536 ( 4 l rcap h rcap frequency r oscillatot ? in the clock-out mode, timer2 roll-overs will not generat e an interrupt. this is similar to when it is used as a baud-rate generator. it is possible to use timer2 as a baud-rate generator and a clock and a clock generator simultaneously. 5.21 reduce emi emission the transition of ale will cause noise, so it cab be turned off to reduce the emi emission if it is useless. turn off the ale signal transition only need too set the aleoff flag in the auxr register when ale is turned off, it will be reactived when pr ogram access external rom or ram data or jump to execute external rom code. after access comple tely or program returns to internal rom code, ale signal will turn off again. prescaler 14-bit timer external reset system reset enw widl idle fosc 1/12 clrw fig. 17-bit watch-dog timer function block diagram
W78E858 publication release date: november 6, 2006 - 25 - revision a7 6. electrical characteristics 6.1 absolute maximum ratings parameter symbol min. max. unit dc power supply v dd ? v ss -0.3 +6.0 v input voltage vin v ss -0.3 v dd +0.3 v operating temperature ta 0 70 c storage temperature tst -55 +150 c note: exposure to conditions beyond those listed under absolute maxi mum ratings may adversely affect the life and reliability of the device. 6.2 d.c. characteristics (v dd ? v ss = 5v 10%, t a = 25 c, fosc = 20 mhz, unless otherwise specified.) specification parameter sym. min. max. unit test conditions operating voltage v dd 4.5 5.5 v rst = 1, p0 = v dd operating current i dd - 20 ma no load v dd = 5.5v idle current i idle - 6 ma idle mode v dd = 5.5v power down current i pwdn - 50 a power-down mode v dd = 5.5v input current p1, p2, p3, p4 i in1 -50 +10 a v dd = 5.5v v in = 0v or v dd input current rst i in2 -10 +300 a v dd = 5.5v 0 < v in < v dd input leakage current p0, e a i lk -10 +10 a v dd = 5.5v 0 < v in < v dd logic 1 to 0 transition current p1, p2, p3, p4 itl[*4] -500 - a vdd = 5.5v vin = 2.0v input low voltage p0, p1, p2, p3, p4, e a vil1 0 0.8 v vdd = 4.5v input low voltage rst vil2 0 0.8 v vdd = 4.5v input low voltage xtal1[*4] vil3 0 0.8 v vdd = 4.5v
W78E858 - 26 - d.c. characteristics, continued specification parameter sym. min. max. unit test conditions input high voltage p0, p1, p2, p3, p4, e a v ih1 2.4 v dd +0.2 v v dd = 5.5v input high voltage rst v ih2 3.5 v dd +0.2 v v dd = 5.5v input high voltage xtal1 [*4] v ih3 3.5 v dd +0.2 v v dd = 5.5v output low voltage p1, p2, p3, p4 v ol1 - 0.45 v v dd = 4.5v i ol = +2 ma output low voltage p0, ale, psen [*3] v ol2 - 0.45 v v dd = 4.5v i ol = +4 ma sink current p1, p3, p4 i sk1 4 12 ma v dd = 4.5v v in = 0.45v sink current p0, p2, ale, psen i sk2 10 20 ma v dd = 4.5v v in = 0.45v output high voltage p1, p2, p3, p4 v oh1 2.4 - v v dd = 4.5v i oh = -100 a output high voltage p0, ale, psen [*3] v oh2 2.4 - v v dd = 4.5v i oh = -400 a source current p1, p2, p3, p4 i sr1 -120 -250 a v dd = 4.5v v in = 2.4v (latch) source current p0, p2, ale, psen i sr2 -8 -20 ma v dd = 4.5v v in = 2.4v notes: *1. rst pin is a schmitt trigger input. *3. p0, ale and psen are tested in the external access mode. *4. xtal1 is a cmos input. *5. pins of p1, p2, p3, p4 can source a transition current w hen they are being externally driven from 1 to 0. the transition current reaches its maximum value when v in approximates to 2v.
W78E858 publication release date: november 6, 2006 - 27 - revision a7 6.3 a.c. characteristics the ac specifications are a function of the par ticular process used to manufacture the part, the ratings of the i/o buffers, the capacitive load, and the internal routing capacitance. most of the specifications can be expressed in term s of multiple input clock periods (t cp ), and actual parts will usually experience less than a 20 ns variation. the numbers bel ow represent the performance expected from a 0.6 micron cmos proce ss when using 2 and 4 ma output buffers. 6.3.1 clock input waveform t t xtal1 f ch cl op, t cp parameter symbol min. typ. max. unit notes operating speed f op 0 - 40 mhz 1 clock period t cp 25 - - ns 2 clock high t ch 10 - - ns 3 clock low t cl 10 - - ns 3 notes: 1. the clock may be stopped indefinitely in either state. 2. the t cp specification is used as a refe rence in other specifications. 3. there are no duty cycle requirements on the xtal1 input. 6.3.2 program fetch cycle parameter symbol min. typ. max. unit notes address valid to ale low t aas 1 t cp - ? - - ns 4 address hold from ale low t aah 1 t cp - ? - - ns 1, 4 ale low to psen low t apl 1 t cp - ? - - ns 4 psen low to data valid t pda - - 2 t cp ns 2 data hold after psen high t pdh 0 - 1 t cp ns 3 data float after psen high t pdz 0 - 1 t cp ns ale pulse width t alw 2 t cp - ? 2 t cp - ns 4 psen pulse width t psw 3 t cp - ? 3 t cp - ns 4 notes: 1. p0.0 ? p0.7, p2.0 ? p2.7 remain stable throughout entire memory cycle. 2. memory access time is 3 t cp . 3. data have been latched internally prior to psen going high. 4. " ? " (due to buffer driving delay and wire loading) is 20 ns.
W78E858 - 28 - 6.3.3 data read cycle parameter symbol min. typ. max. unit notes ale low to rd low t dar 3 t cp - ? - 3 t cp+ ? ns 1, 2 rd low to data valid t dda - - 4 t cp ns 1 data hold from rd high t ddh 0 - 2 t cp ns data float from rd high t ddz 0 - 2 t cp ns rd pulse width t drd 6 t cp - ? 6 t cp - ns 2 notes: 1. data memory access time is 8 t cp . 2. " ? " (due to buffer driving delay and wire loading) is 20 ns. 6.3.4 data write cycle parameter symbol min. typ. max. unit ale low to wr low t daw 3 t cp - ? - 3 t cp + ? ns data valid to wr low t dad 1 t cp - ? - - ns data hold from wr high t dwd 1 t cp - ? - - ns wr pulse width t dwr 6 t cp - ? 6 t cp - ns note: " ? " (due to buffer driving delay and wire loading) is 20 ns. 6.3.5 port access cycle parameter symbol min. typ. max. unit port input setup to ale low t pds 1 t cp - - ns port input hold from ale low t pdh 0 - - ns port output to ale t pda 1 t cp - - ns note: ports are read during s5p2, and output data becomes availabl e at the end of s6p2. the timing data are referenced to ale, since it provi des a convenient reference. 6.3.6 flash mode timing parameter symbol min. typ. max. unit notes reset valid t rv 9 10 11 s - enter flash mode reset low t efrl 9 10 11 s - program pulse high t pph 18 20 22 s - program pulse low t ppl 40 50 60 s - erase pulse low t epl 25 30 50 ms - read pulse low t rpl 1.35 1.5 1.65 s - address prefix t apf 45 50 55 ns - data remain t dr 81 90 99 ns -
W78E858 publication release date: november 6, 2006 - 29 - revision a7 7. timing waveforms 7.1 program fetch cycle s1 xtal1 s2 s3 s4 s5 s6 s1 s2 s3 s4 s5 s6 ale port 2 a0-a7 a0-a7 data a0-a7 code t a0-a7 data code port 0 psen pdh, t pdz t pda t aah t aas t psw t apl t alw 7.2 data read cycle s2 s3 s5 s6 s1 s2 s3 s4 s5 s6 s1 s4 xtal1 ale psen data a8-a15 port 2 port 0 a0-a7 rd t ddh, t ddz t dda t drd t dar
W78E858 - 30 - timing waveforms, continued 7.3 data write cycle s2 s3 s5 s6 s1 s2 s3 s4 s1 s5 s6 s4 xtal1 ale psen a8-a15 data out port 2 port 0 a0-a7 wr t t daw dad t dwr t dwd 7.4 port access cycle xtal1 ale s5 s6 s1 data out t t port input t sample pda pdh pds
W78E858 publication release date: november 6, 2006 - 31 - revision a7 8. typical application circuits 8.1 expanded external program memory and crystal ad0 a0 a0 a0 10 a1 9 a2 8 a3 7 a4 6 a5 5 a6 4 a7 3 a8 25 a9 24 a10 21 a11 23 a12 2 a13 26 a14 27 a15 1 ce 20 oe 22 o0 11 o1 12 o2 13 o3 15 o4 16 o5 17 o6 18 o7 19 2764 ad0 d0 3 q0 2 d1 4 q1 5 d2 7 q2 6 d3 8 q3 9 d4 13 q4 12 d5 14 q5 15 d6 17 q6 16 d7 18 q7 19 oc 1 g 11 74ls373 ad0 ea 35 xtal1 21 xtal2 22 rst 10 int0 14 int1 15 t0 16 t1 17 p1.0 2 p1.1 3 p1.2 4 p1.3 5 p1.4 6 p1.5 7 p1.6 8 p1.7 9 43 42 41 40 39 38 37 36 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 19 wr p0.0 p0.1 p0.2 p0.3 p0.4 p0.5 p0.6 p0.7 p2.0 p2.1 p2.2 p2.3 p2.4 p2.5 p2.6 p2.7 rd 18 psen 32 ale 33 txd 13 rxd 11 W78E858 10 u 8.2 k dd crystal c1 c2 r ad1 ad2 ad3 ad4 ad5 ad6 ad7 a8 ad1 ad2 ad3 ad4 ad5 ad6 ad7 gnd a1 a2 a3 a4 a5 a6 a7 a1 a2 a3 a4 a5 a6 a7 a8 a9 ad1 ad2 ad3 ad4 ad5 ad6 ad7 a10 a11 a12 a13 a14 a15 gnd a9 a10 a11 a12 a13 a14 a15 v dd v figure a crystal c1 c2 r 6 mhz 68p ? 100p 68p ? 100p 6.8k 16 mhz 20p ? 100p 20p ? 100p 6.8k 24 mhz 10p ? 68p 10p ? 68p 6.8k 32 mhz 5p ? 20p 5p ? 20p 6.8k 40 mhz 5p 5p 3.3k above table shows the refer ence values for crystal applications. notes: 1. c1, c2, r components refer to figure a 2. crystal layout must get close to xta l1 and xtal2 pins on user's application board.
W78E858 - 32 - typical application circuits, continued 8.2 expanded external data memory and oscillator 10 u 8.2 k dd oscillator ea 35 xtal1 21 xtal2 20 rst 10 int0 14 int1 15 t0 16 t1 17 p1.0 2 p1.1 3 p1.2 4 p1.3 5 p1.4 6 p1.5 7 p1.6 8 p1.7 9 p0.0 43 p0.1 42 p0.2 41 p0.3 40 p0.4 39 p0.5 38 p0.6 37 p0.7 36 p2.0 24 p2.1 25 p2.2 26 p2.3 27 p2.4 28 p2.5 29 p2.6 30 p2.7 31 rd 19 wr 18 psen 32 ale 33 txd 13 rxd 11 W78E858 ad0 ad1 ad2 ad3 ad4 ad5 ad6 ad7 ad0 ad1 ad2 ad3 ad4 ad5 ad6 ad7 a0 a1 a2 a3 a4 a5 a6 a7 d0 3 q0 2 d1 4 q1 5 d2 7 q2 6 d3 8 q3 9 d4 13 q4 12 d5 14 q5 15 d6 17 q6 16 d7 18 q7 19 oc 1 g 11 74ls373 a0 a1 a2 a3 a4 a5 a6 a7 10 9 8 7 6 5 4 3 a0 a1 a2 a3 a4 a5 a6 a7 ad0 ad1 ad2 ad3 ad4 ad5 ad6 ad7 11 12 13 15 16 17 18 19 d0 d1 d2 d3 d4 d5 d6 d7 a8 a9 a10 a11 a12 a13 a14 25 24 21 23 26 1 20 2 a8 a9 a10 a11 a12 a13 a14 ce gnd a8 a9 a10 a11 a12 a13 a14 gnd 22 27 oe wr 20256 v dd v figure b
W78E858 publication release date: november 6, 2006 - 33 - revision a7 9. package dimensions 9.1 40-pin dip seating plane 1. dimension d max. & s include mold flash or tie bar burrs. 2. dimension e1 does not include interlead flash. 3. dimension d & e1 include mold mismatch and are determined at the mold parting line. 6. general appearance spec. should be based on final visual inspection spec. . 1.372 1.219 0.054 0.048 notes: symbol min. nom. max. max. nom. min. dimension in inch dimension in mm 0.050 1.27 0.210 5.334 0.010 0.150 0.016 0.155 0.018 0.160 0.022 3.81 0.406 0.254 3.937 0.457 4.064 0.559 0.008 0.120 0.670 0.010 0.130 0.014 0.140 0.203 3.048 0.254 3.302 0.356 3.556 0.540 0.550 0.545 13.72 13.97 13.84 17.01 15.24 14.986 15.494 0.600 0.590 0.610 2.286 2.54 2.794 0.090 0.100 0.110 a b c d e a l s a a 1 2 e b 1 1 e e 1 a 2.055 2.070 52.20 52.58 015 0.090 2.286 0.650 0.630 16.00 16.51 protrusion/intrusion. 4. dimension b1 does not include dambar 5. controlling dimension: inches. 15 0 e a a a c e base plane 1 a 1 e l a s 1 e d 1 b b 40 21 20 1 2 9.2 44-pin plcc 44 40 39 29 28 18 17 7 61 l c 1 b 2 a h d d e b e h e y a a 1 seating plane d g g e symbol min. nom. max. max. nom. min. dimension in inch dimension in mm a b c d e h e l y a a 1 2 e b 1 h d g g d e notes: on final visual inspection spec. 4. general appearance spec. should be based 3. controlling dimension: inches protrusion/intrusion. 2. dimension b1 does not include dambar flash. 1. dimension d & e do not include interlead 0.020 0.145 0.026 0.016 0.008 0.648 0.590 0.680 0.090 0.150 0.028 0.018 0.010 0.653 0.610 0.690 0.100 0.050 bsc 0.185 0.155 0.032 0.022 0.014 0.658 0.630 0.700 0.110 0.004 0.508 3.683 0.66 0.406 0.203 16.46 14.99 17.27 2.296 3.81 0.711 0.457 0.254 16.59 15.49 17.53 2.54 1.27 4.699 3.937 0.813 0.559 0.356 16.71 16.00 17.78 2.794 0.10 bsc 16.71 16.59 16.46 0.658 0.653 0.648 16.00 15.49 14.99 0.630 0.610 0.590 17.78 17.53 17.27 0.700 0.690 0.680
W78E858 - 34 - package dimensions, continued 9.3 44-pin pqfp seating plane 11 22 12 see detail f e b a y 1 a a l l 1 c e e h 1 d 44 h d 34 33 detail f 1. dimension d & e do not include interlead flash. 2. dimension b does not include dambar protrusion/intrusion. 3. controlling dimension: millimeter 4. general appearance spec. should be based on final visual inspection spec. 0.254 0.101 0.010 0.004 notes: symbol min. nom. max. max. nom. min. dimension in inch dimension in mm a b c d e h d h e l y a a l 1 1 2 e 0.006 0.152 --- 0.002 0.075 0.01 0.081 0.014 0.087 0.018 1.90 0.25 0.05 2.05 0.35 2.20 0.45 0.390 0.025 0.063 0.003 0 7 0.394 0.031 0.398 0.037 9.9 0.80 0.65 1.6 10.00 0.8 10.1 0.95 0.398 0.394 0.390 0.530 0.520 0.510 13.45 13.2 12.95 10.1 10.00 9.9 7 0 0.08 0.031 0.01 0.02 0.25 0.5 --- --- --- --- --- 2 0.025 0.036 0.635 0.952 0.530 0.520 0.510 13.45 13.2 12.95 0.051 0.075 1.295 1.905
W78E858 publication release date: november 6, 2006 - 35 - revision a7 10. version history version date page description a oct. 2001 - initial issued b jul. 2002 15 modify timer 2 interrupt vector address c nov. 2002 5 eeprom address of command code d may. 2004 6 remove erase acquisition flow 6 add a demo code a5 april 20, 2005 33 add important notice a6 may 3, 2006 7 revise ? 03h to mxpsr? to ? 02h to mxpsr? a7 november 6, 2006 remove block diagram important notice winbond products are not designed, intended, authorized or warranted for use as components in systems or equipment intended for surgi cal implantation, atomic energy control instruments, airplane or spaceship instrument s, transportation instruments, traffic signal instruments, combustion control instruments, or for other applications intended to support or sustain life. further more, winbond products are not intended for applications wherein failure of winbond products could result or lead to a situation wherein personal injury, death or severe property or environmental damage could occur. winbond customers using or selling these products for use in such applications do so at their own risk and agree to fully indemnify winbond for any damages resulting from such improper use or sales. headquarters no. 4, creation rd. iii, science-based industrial park, hsinchu, taiwan tel: 886-3-5770066 fax: 886-3-5665577 taipei office tel: 886-2-8177-7168 fax: 886-2-8751-3579 winbond electronics corporation america 2727 north first street, san jose, ca 95134, u.s.a. tel: 1-408-9436666 fax: 1-408-5441798 winbond electronics (h.k.) ltd. no. 378 kwun tong rd., kowloon, hong kong fax: 852-27552064 unit 9-15, 22f, millennium city, tel: 852-27513100 please note that all data and specifications are subject to change without notice. all the trademarks of products and companies mentioned in this datasheet belong to their respective owners. winbond electronics (shanghai) ltd. 200336 china fax: 86-21-62365998 27f, 2299 yan an w. rd. shanghai, tel: 86-21-62365999 winbond electronics corporation japan shinyokohama kohoku-ku, yokohama, 222-0033 fax: 81-45-4781800 7f daini-ueno bldg, 3-7-18 tel: 81-45-4781881 9f, no.480, rueiguang rd., neihu district, taipei, 114, taiwan, r.o.c.

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