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  cystech electronics corp. spec. no. : c523e3 issued date : 2003.04.02 revised date : page no. : 1/3 pl7808e3 cystek product specification 3-terminal positive voltage regulator PL7808XE3 description the PL7808XE3 series of three-terminal positive regulators are available in the to-220ab package. these regulators can provide local on -card regulation, elimi nating the distribution problems associated with single point regulation. each employs internal current limiting, thermal shutdown and safe operating area protection, making it essentially indestructible. if adequate heat sinking is provided, they can de liver over 1a output current. although designed primarily as fixed voltage regul ators, these devices can be us ed with external components to obtain adjustable voltages and currents. PL7808XE3 is characterized for operation from 0 c to +125 c, and if operating temperature is always high, please refer to the power dissipation curve. absolute maximum ratings (ta=25 c) ? input voltage ................................................................................................................. ...... 35 v ? total power dissipation .................................................................................... interna lly limited ? operating temper ature r ange .......................................................................... 0 c to +125 c ? maximum junction te mperature ..................................................................................... 125 c ? storage temperat ure range .......................................................................... -55 c to +150 c ? lead temperature (sol dering 10s) ................................................................................. 230 c typical application schematic diagram 6.3v 3.4k 200 10k 200 1k 2k 0.3 26 4k 20pf 4k 1k 12.1k 1.2 26 1.9k 30k vref input output gnd pl7808 vout vin 3 1 2 c1 c2 note: c1 and c2 are required if regulator is located far from power supply filter and load, or oscillation may induced on the loop. to-220ab
cystech electronics corp. spec. no. : c523e3 issued date : 2003.04.02 revised date : page no. : 2/3 pl7808e3 cystek product specification electrical characteristics vin=14v, io=500ma, 0 c tj 125 c (unless otherwise noted) pl7808a symbol parameter conditions min typ max units tj=25 c 7.76 8 8.24 vo output voltage pd 15w, 5ma io 1a 7.76 8 8.24 v tj=25 c, 10.5v vin 25v - 5 80 ? vo line regulation tj=25 c, 11.5v vin 17v - 5 40 mv 5ma io 1.5a - - 100 ? vo load regulation 250ma io 750ma - - 50 mv iq quiescent current io 1a, tj=25 c - 5.5 8 ma 5ma io 1a - - 0.5 ? iq quiescent current change 10.5v vin 25v - - 1.3 ma vn output noise voltage ta = 2 5 c, 10hz f 100khz - - 200 uv rr ripple rejection 11.5v vin 21.5v, f=120hz - 68 - db vd dropout voltage tj=25 c, io=1a - 2 - v isc short circuit current tj=25 c - 1.5 - a ipk peak output current tj=25 c 1.7 - - a ? vo / ? t average tc of vout 0 c tj +125 c, io=5ma - -0.8 - mv/ c pl7808b symbol parameter conditions min typ max units tj=25 c 7.7 8 8.3 vo output voltage pd 15w, 5ma io 1a 7.6 8 8.4 v tj=25 c, 10.5v vin 25v - 5 160 ? vo line regulation tj=25 c, 11.5v vin 17v - 2 80 mv 5ma io 1.5a - - 160 ? vo load regulation 250ma io 750ma - - 80 mv iq quiescent current io 1a, tj=25 c - 5.5 8 ma 5ma io 1a - - 0.5 ? iq quiescent current change 10.5v vin 25v - - 1.3 ma vn output noise voltage ta = 2 5 c, 10hz f 100khz - - 300 uv rr ripple rejection 11.5v vin 21.5v, f=120hz 62 73 - db vd dropout voltage tj=25 c, io=1a - 2.5 - v isc short circuit current tj=25 c - 1.5 - a ipk peak output current tj=25 c 1.7 - - a ? vo / ? t average tc of vout 0 c tj +125 c, io=5ma - -0.8 - mv/ c
cystech electronics corp. spec. no. : c523e3 issued date : 2003.04.02 revised date : page no. : 3/3 pl7808e3 cystek product specification to-220ab dimension *: typical inches millimeters inches millimeters dim min. max. min. max. dim min. max. min. max. a 0.2197 0.2949 5.58 7.49 i - * 0.1508 - * 3.83 b 0.3299 0.3504 8.38 8.90 k 0.0295 0.0374 0.75 0.95 c 0.1732 0.185 4.40 4.70 m 0.0449 0.0551 1.14 1.40 d 0.0453 0.0547 1.15 1.39 n - * 0.1000 - * 2.54 e 0.0138 0.0236 0.35 0.60 o 0.5000 0.5618 12.70 14.27 g 0.3803 0.4047 9.66 10.28 p 0.5701 0.6248 14.48 15.87 h - * 0.6398 - * 16.25 notes: 1.controlling dimension: millimeters. 2.maximum lead thickness includes lead finish thickness, and minimum lead thickness is the minimum thickness of base material. 3.if there is any question with packing spec ification or packing method, please cont act your local cystek sales office. material: ? lead: 42 alloy ; solder plating ? mold compound: epoxy resin family, flammability solid burning class: ul94v-0 important notice: ? all rights are reserved. reproduction in whole or in part is prohibited without the prior written approval of cystek. ? cystek reserves the right to make changes to its products without notice. ? cystek semiconductor products are not warranted to be suitab le for use in life-support applications, or systems. ? cystek assumes no liability for any consequence of customer pr oduct design, infringement of pat ents, or application assistance . a b e g i k m o p 3 2 1 c n h d 4 style: pin 2.ground 3.vout 4.ground 3-lead to-220ab plastic package cystek package code: e3 marking: 7808

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