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  1/4 2011.09 - rev.a schottky barrier diode RB168M150 ? applications ? dimensions (unit : mm) ? land size figure (unit : mm) general rectification ? features 1)small power mold type. (pmdu) 2)high reliability ? construction ? structure silicon epitaxial planer ? absolute maximum ratings (ta=25 c) symbol unit v rm v v r v io a i fsm a tj c tstg c (*1) business frequence, r-road, tc=110c max. ? electrical characteristics (ta=25 c) symbol min. typ. max. unit conditions forward voltage v f - 0.76 0.84 v i f =1a reverse current i r - 0.11 20 a v r =150v reverse voltage (repetitive) 150 reverse voltage (dc) 150 ? taping dimensions (unit : mm) parameter limits parameter junction temperature 150 storage temperature - 55 to + 150 average rectified forward current (*1) 1 forward current surge peak (60hz ? 1cyc) 30 pmdu 1.2 3.05 0.85 4.00.1 2.00.05 1.550.05 1.810.1 4.00.1 1.00.1 3.50.05 1.750.1 8.00.2 0.250.05 1.5max 3.710.1 rohm : pmdu jedec :sod - 123 manufacture date 0.90.1 1.60.1 2.60.1 3.50.2 0.80.1 0.10.1 0.05 data sheet ? 2011 rohm co., ltd. all rights reserved.
RB168M150 2/4 2011.09 - rev.a 0.01 0.1 1 200 400 600 800 1000 forward voltage v f (mv) v f -i f characteristics forward current:i f (a) ta= ? 25 c ta=25 c ta=75 c ta=125 c ta=150 c 0.0001 0.001 0.01 0.1 1 10 100 1000 0 50 100 150 reverse voltage v r (v) v r -i r characteristics ta= ? 25 c ta=125 c ta=25 c ta=75 c reverse current:i r ( a) ta=150 c 10 100 1000 0 5 10 15 20 25 30 capacitance between terminals:ct(pf) reverse voltage:v r (v) v r - ct characteristics f=1mhz 750 760 770 780 790 800 v f dispersion map forward voltage:v f (mv) ave:756.9mv ta=25 c i f =1a n=30pcs 50 100 150 200 reverse current:i r (na) i r dispersion map ta=25 c v r =150v n=30pcs ave:106.8na 90 95 100 105 110 115 120 ave:95.0pf ta=25 c f=1mhz v r =0v n=10pcs capacitance between terminals:ct(pf) ct dispersion map ? 2011 rohm co., ltd. all rights reserved. data sheet
RB168M150 3/4 2011.09 - rev.a 50 75 100 125 150 175 200 i fsm dispersion map peak surge forward current:i fsm (a) ave:78.0a 8.3ms i fsm 1cyc 8.3ms 0 5 10 15 20 25 30 ave:7.8ns ta=25 c i f =0.5a i r =1a irr=0.25*i r n=10pcs trr dispersion map reverse recovery time:trr(ns) 10 100 1000 1 10 100 peak surge forward current:i fsm (a) number of cycles i fsm - cycle characteristics 8.3ms i fsm 1cyc 8.3ms 10 100 1000 1 10 100 t i fsm peak surge forward current:i fsm (a) time:t(ms) i fsm - t characteristics 0.1 1 10 100 1000 0.001 0.1 10 1000 rth(j - a) rth(j - c) time:t(s) rth - t characteristics transient thermal impedance:rth ( c /w) mounted on epoxy board 0 0.5 1 1.5 0 0.5 1 1.5 2 forward power dissipation:pf(w) average rectified forward current io(a) io - pf characteristics dc d=1/2 sin( 180) ? 2011 rohm co., ltd. all rights reserved. data sheet
RB168M150 4/4 2011.09 - rev.a 0 0.5 1 1.5 2 0 50 100 150 0 0.5 1 1.5 2 0 50 100 150 ambient temperature:ta( c) derating curve(io - ta) average rectified forward current:io(a) sin( 180) dc d=1/2 average rectified forward current:io(a) case temperature:tc( c) derating curve(io -tc) sin( 180) dc d=1/2 v r io t tj=150 c d=t/t t v r =75v 0a 0v 0 1 2 3 4 5 ave:0.62kv ave:1.18kv c=100pf r=1.5k c=200pf r=0 electrostatic discharge test esd(kv) esd dispersion map ? 2011 rohm co., ltd. all rights reserved. data sheet
r 1 120 a ww w ? 20 1 1 rohm co., ltd. all rights reserved. notice rohm customer support system http://ww w . r thank you for your accessing to rohm p r oduct informations. mo r e detail p r oduct informations and catalogs a r e available, please contact us. notes

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