SML8075BVR 10/98 semelab plc. telephone +44(0)1455 556565. fax +44(0)1455 552612. e-mail: website: v dss i d i dm v gs v gsm p d t j , t stg t l i ar e ar e as 1 3 2 3.55 (0.140) 3.81 (0.150) 0.40 (0.016) 0.79 (0.031) 2.21 (0.087) 2.59 (0.102) 1.01 (0.040) 1.40 (0.055) 15.49 (0.610) 16.26 (0.640) 4.69 (0.185) 5.31 (0.209) 1.49 (0.059) 2.49 (0.098) 20.80 (0.819) 21.46 (0.845) 6.15 (0.242) bsc 19.81 (0.780) 20.32 (0.800) 4.50 (0.177) max. 1.65 (0.065) 2.13 (0.084) 5.25 (0.215) bsc 2.87 (0.113) 3.12 (0.123) to?247ad package outline. dimensions in mm (inches) drain ? source voltage continuous drain current pulsed drain current 1 gate ? source voltage gate ? source voltage transient total power dissipation @ t case = 25c derate linearly operating and storage junction temperature range lead temperature : 0.063? from case for 10 sec. avalanche current 1 (repetitive and non-repetitive) repetitive avalanche energy 1 single pulse avalanche energy 2 n?channel enhancement mode high voltage power mosfets 800 12 48 30 40 260 2.08 ?55 to 150 300 12 30 960 v a a v w w/c c a mj absolute maximum ratings (t case = 25c unless otherwise stated) 1) repetitive rating: pulse width limited by maximum junction temperature. 2) starting t j = 25c, l = 13.33mh, r g = 25 w , peak i l = 12a v dss 800v i d(cont) 12a r ds(on) 0.750 w w w w pin 1 ? gate pin 2 ? drain pin 3 ? source faster switching lower leakage 100% avalanche tested popular to?247 package starmos is a new generation of high voltage n?channel enhancement mode power mosfets. this new technology minimises the jfet effect, increases packing density and reduces the on-resistance. starmos also achieves faster switching speeds through optimised gate layout. d s g
SML8075BVR 10/98 semelab plc. telephone +44(0)1455 556565. fax +44(0)1455 552612. e-mail: website: characteristic test conditions min. typ. max. unit c iss c oss c rss q g q gs q gd t d(on) t r t d(off) t f characteristic test conditions min. typ. max. unit 12 48 1.3 600 8 i s i sm v sd t rr q rr (body diode) (body diode) v gs = 0v , i s = ? i d [cont.] i s = ? i d [cont.] , dl s / dt = 100a/ m s i s = ? i d [cont.] , dl s / dt = 100a/ m s continuous source current pulsed source current 1 diode forward voltage 2 reverse recovery time reverse recovery charge a v ns m c characteristic min. typ. max. unit 0.48 40 r q jc r q ja junction to case junction to ambient c/w source ? drain diode ratings and characteristics thermal characteristics 1) repetitive rating: pulse width limited by maximum junction temperature. 2) pulse test: pulse width < 380 m s , duty cycle < 2% 3) see mil ? std ? 750 method 3471 input capacitance output capacitance reverse transfer capacitance total gate charge 3 gate ? source charge gate ? drain ( ? miller ? ) charge turn ? on delay time rise time turn-off delay time fall time v gs = 0v v ds = 25v f = 1mhz v gs = 10v v dd = 0.5 v dss i d = i d [cont.] @ 25 c v gs = 15v v dd = 0.5 v dss i d = i d [cont.] @ 25 c r g = 1.6 w pf nc ns 2700 265 125 115 16 66 12 11 50 10 caution ? electrostatic sensitive devices. anti-static procedures must be followed. characteristic test conditions min. typ. max. unit bv dss i dss i gss v gs(th) i d(on) r ds(on) v gs = 0v , i d = 250 m a v ds = v dss v ds = 0.8v dss , t c = 125 c v gs = 30v , v ds = 0v v ds = v gs , i d = 1.0ma v ds > i d(on) x r ds(on) max v gs = 10v v gs = 10v , i d = 0.5 i d [cont.] drain ? source breakdown voltage zero gate voltage drain current (v gs = 0v) gate ? source leakage current gate threshold voltage on state drain current 2 drain ? source on state resistance 2 800 25 250 100 24 12 0.75 v m a na v a w static electrical ratings (t case = 25 c unless otherwise stated) dynamic characteristics