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To Download IXFA3N80 Datasheet File

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       to-263 (ixfa) outline 1. gate 2. drain 3. source 4. drain bottom side dim. millimeter inches min. max. min. max. a 4.06 4.83 .160 .190 a1 2.03 2.79 .080 .110 b 0.51 0.99 .020 .039 b2 1.14 1.40 .045 .055 c 0.46 0.74 .018 .029 c2 1.14 1.40 .045 .055 d 8.64 9.65 .340 .380 d1 7.11 8.13 .280 .320 e 9.65 10.29 .380 .405 e1 6.86 8.13 .270 .320 e 2.54 bsc .100 bsc l 14.61 15.88 .575 .625 l1 2.29 2.79 .090 .110 l2 1.02 1.40 .040 .055 l3 1.27 1.78 .050 .070 l4 0 0.38 0 .015 r 0.46 0.74 .018 .029 
           bottom side to-220 (ixfp) outline ixfa 3n80 ixfp 3n80

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