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  S1C17153 16-bit single chip microcontroller z 16kb rom / 2kb ram * s1c17653 is useful as for program development. z generates the operating clocks with the built-in oscillators. - osc3b oscillator circuit: 2 mhz/1 mhz/500 khz (typ.) internal oscillator circuit - osc1a oscillator circuit: 32.768 khz (typ.) crystal oscillator circuit z lcd driver number of driver outputs: 32seg. x 4com. z shipping form: die z risc cpu core s1c17: the compac t code optimized for c, and high throughput of an instruction/clock descriptions the S1C17153 is a 16-bit mcu featuring ultra-low-power operations and compact dimensions in die form. the S1C17153 is ideal for battery-driven electronic equipmen t, such as otp cards, etokens, and remote control units with a simple display. features cpu cpu core seiko epson original 16-bit risc cpu core s1c17 multiplier/divider (copro) ? 16-bit 16-bit multiplier ? 16-bit 16-bit + 32-bit multiply and accumulation unit ? 16-bit 16-bit divider embedded rom capacity 16k bytes (for bot h instructions and data) embedded ram capacity 2k bytes clock generator system clock source 2 sources (osc3b/osc1a) osc3b oscillator circuit 2m/1m/500k hz (typ.) internal oscillator circuit osc1a oscillator circuit 32.768 khz (t yp.) crystal oscillator circuit other ? core clock frequency control ? peripheral module clock supply control lcd driver number of driver outputs segment output: 32 pins common output: 4 pins other ? includes a power supply voltage booster/reducer. ? includes a display data memory. i/o ports number of general-purpose i/o ports max. 12 bits (pins are shared with the peripheral i/o.) other ? schmitt input ? pull-up control function ? port input interrupt: 8 bits serial interfaces spi 1 channel uart 1 channel (irda1.0 supported) timers/counters 8-bit timer (t8) 1 channel (generates the spi clock.) 16-bit pwm timer (t16a2) 1 channel (pwm outpu t, event counter, and count capture functions) watchdog timer (wdt) 1 channel (generates nmi/reset.) clock functions real-time clock (rtc) 1 channel (h our, minute, and second counters) clock timer (ct) 1 channel (128 hz to 1 hz counters) sound generator buzzer frequency 8 frequencies selectable volume control 8 steps adjustable other ? one-shot buzzer ? auto envelope function analog circuits supply voltage detection circuit (svd) 1 channel (detection voltage: 13 levels (tbd)) interrupts reset interrupt #reset pin/watchdog timer
S1C17153 nmi watchdog timer programmable interrupts 8 systems (8 levels) power supply voltage operating voltage (v dd ) 2.0 v to 3.6 v operating temperature operating temperatur e range -40c to 85c current consumption (typ value, v dd = 2.0 v to 3.6 v) sleep state 130na osc1a = off, rtc = off, osc3b = off 0.42ua osc1a = 32khz, rtc = off, osc3b = off halt state 0.42ua osc1a = 32khz, rtc = on, osc3b = off 4ua osc1a = 32khz, rtc = off, osc3b = off run state 240ua osc1a = 32khz, rtc = off, osc3b = 2mhz shipping form aluminum pad chip 2 seiko epson corporation
S1C17153 block diagram notice: no part of this material may be reproduced or duplicated in any fo rm or by any means without the written permission of seiko ep son. seiko epson reserves the right to make changes to this material without notice. seiko epson does not assume any liability of any kin d arising out of any inaccuracies contained in this material or due to its application or use in any product or circuit and, further, there i s no representation that this material is applicable to pr oducts requiring high level reliability, such as, medical products. moreover, no license to any intellectual property rights is granted by implication or otherwise, and there is no representation or warranty that anything made in accord ance with this material will be free from any patent or copyright infringement of a third party. when exporting the products or technology des cribed in this material, you should comply with the applicable export control laws and regulations and follow the procedures required by such laws and regulations. you are requested not to use, to resell, to export and/or to otherwise dispose of the products (and any technical information furnished, if any) for the development and/or manufacture of weapon of mass destruction or for other military purposes. all brands or product names mentioned herein are trademarks and/ or registered trademarks of t heir respective companies. ? seiko epson corporation 2013, all rights reserved epson semiconductor website microdevices operations division ic sales & marketing department 421-8 hino, hino-shi, tokyo 191-8501, japan phone: +81-42-587-5814 fax: +81-42-587-5117 document code: 412503900 first issue mar., 2013 in j apan seiko epson corporation 3

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