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  pnp silicon planar epitaxial transistor 2N6709 to-237 plastic packa g e general purpose medium power amplifier absolute maximum ratings(ta=25oc) description symbol value unit collector base voltage v cbo 80 v collector -emitter voltage v ceo 60 v emitter base voltage v ebo 5v collector current continuous i c 1.5 a total power dissipation p d 850 mw operating and storage junction t j , t st g -55 to +150 oc temperature range electrical characteristics (ta=25oc unless specified otherwise) description symbol test condition min max unit collector emitter voltage v ceo i c =10ma, i b =0 60 v collector base voltage v cbo i c =100 a, i e =0 80 v emitter-base voltage v ebo i e =10 a, i c =0 5 v collector cut off current i cbo v cb =80v, i e =0 0.1 a emitter cut off current i ebo v eb =4v, i c =0 0.1 a dc current gain h fe i c =50ma,v ce =2v 40 i c =250ma,v ce =2v 40 250 i c =500ma,v ce =2v 25 collector emitter saturation voltage v ce ( sat )i c =500ma,i b =50ma 0.5 v i c =1a,i b =100ma 1v transition frequency f t v ce =10v, i c =50ma, 50 mhz continental device india limited data sheet page 1 of 3 continental device india limited an iso/ts 16949, iso 9001 and iso 14001 certified company
2N6709 to-237 plastic package to-237 plastic package dim min. max. all diminsions in mm. a 4.32 5.33 b 4.45 5.20 c 3.18 4.19 d 0.41 0.55 e 0.35 0.50 f ? 5.40 g 1.14 1.40 h ? 2.54 k 12.70 ? l5 deg j 1.14 1.53 1. base 2. collector 3. emitter pin configuration 3 2 1 g 3 2 1 f b d d sec aa a a 3 2 1 h a k e ll j c to-237 bulk to-237 t&a 1k/polybag 2k/ammo box 240 gm/1k pcs 725 gm/2k pcs 3" x 7.5" x 7.5" 12.5" x 8" x 1.8" 5k 2k 17" x 15" x 13.5" 17" x 15" x 13.5" 80k 32k 26.2 kgs 13.8 kgs package net weight/qty details standard pack inner carton box qty outer carton box qty gr wt size size p ac ki ng d eta il continental device india limited data sheet page 2 of 3
notes 2N6709 to-237 plastic package disclaimer the product information and the selection guides facilitate selection of the cdil's discrete semiconductor device(s) best suited for application in your product(s) as per your requirement. it is recommended that you completely review our data sheet(s) so as to confirm that the device(s) meet functionality parameters for your application. the information furnished in the data sheet and on the cdil web site/cd is believed to be accurate and reliable. cdil however, does not assume responsibility for inaccuracies or incomplete information. furthermore, cdil does not assume liability whatsoever, arising out of the application or use of any cdil product; neither does it convey any license under its patent rights nor rights of others. these products are not designed for use in life saving/support appliances or systems. cdil customers selling these products (either as individual discrete semiconductor devices or incorporated in their end products), in any life saving/support appliances or systems or applications do so at their own risk and cdil will not be responsible for any damages resulting from such sale(s). cdil strives for continuous improvement and reserves the right to change the specifications of its products without prior notic e. cdil is a registered trademark of continental device india limited c-120 naraina industrial area, new delhi 110 028, india. telephone + 91-11-2579 6150, 5141 1112 fax + 91-11-2579 5290, 5141 1119 email @ continental device india limited data sheet page 3 of 3

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