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  Datasheet File OCR Text: quad/mux systems 4/8/16 channel dvr system car rear vision system techwell techwell t ar g et a pplica tions f ea tur es f our video dec o ders t he t w2824 has f our high qualit y nt sc/p al video dec oders , dual c olor displa y c ontr ollers and dual video enc o ders . t he t w2824 c ontains f our 10-bit analog-t o-digital c on v er t ers , pr oprietar y digital gain/clamp c ontr oller , high qualit y y/c separ at or t o r educ e cr oss-noise and high per f ormanc e dual scaler t o pr o vide v arious pic tur es . f our built-in motion and blind det ec t ors c an incr ease the f eatur e of securit y syst ems . t he t w2824 has a flexible video displa y c ontr oller t o suppor t basic qu ad and mux func tions . t he t w2824 also has an ex c ellent gr aphic o v erla y func tion which displa y s char ac t er/bitmap , b o x and mouse p oint er . t he t w2824 c ontains tw o video enc oders with f our 10-bit digital-t o-analog t w2824 a cc epts all nt sc/p al standar d f ormats with aut o det ec tion f our int egr at ed anti-aliasing filt ers and 10-bit cmos adcs high per f ormanc e adaptiv e c omb filt ers f or all nt sc/p al standar ds if c ompensation filt er f or impr o v ement of c olor demodulation p al dela y lines f or c orr ec ting p al phase err ors p r ogr ammable hue , satur ation, c ontr ast , brightness and sharpness dual high per f ormanc e horiz ontal and v er tical scaler f or each channel f our built-in motion det ec t ors with 16x12 c ells and blind det ec t ors 4 c hannel v ideo qu ad/mux c ontr oller f or s ecurit y a pplications techwell securit y dual video c on tr ollers a dditional 1 channel digital input f or pla yback or c ascade oper ation f ull liv e/str obe/s wit ch func tion a ut o sequenc e swit ch with 64 queues and/or manual swit ch b y int errupt v arious channel attribut e c ontr ol image enhanc ement f or still image high per f ormanc e 2x z oom f or horiz ontal and v er tical dir ec tion suppor ts sa v e and r ecall func tion last image captur e when video-loss ex t endable t o 8/12/16 channel video c ontr oller using cascade c onnec tion p a th-t o-p ath c ascade char ac t er/bitmap o v erla y f or osd 16 pr ogr ammable single b o x es 4 2d arr a y ed bo x es f or motion r esult displa y mouse point e r o v e rla y dual video enc o ders 2 path digital outputs with itu-r b t .656 standar ds 2 path analog outputs with all analog nt sc/p al standar ds suppor ts cvbs or s-v ideo f or each path p r ogr ammable bandwidth f or luminanc e and chr ominanc e path f our 10-bit video cmos da cs s ecurit y s ur v eillanc e ic s olutions c on v er t ers f or pr o viding 2 c omposit e or s-video outputs .
techwell inc. tel 1-408-435-3888 for more information on techwell, please contact us at 1-408-435-3888 ? 2005 techwell inc. all rights reserved. all other trademarks are property of their respective owners about techwell techwell designs and sells mixed signal semiconductor solutions for digital video applications.the company's products enable the conversion of analog video sources to digital form and facilitate the display, storage and transport of digital video, hdtv, and personal computer display information. headquartered in san jose, ca, techwell currently has over 60 employees in the u.s., korea, and taiwan. techwell t w2824 block diagr am itu-r bt656 decoder t w2824 4 c hannel v ideo qu ad/mux c ontr oller f or s ecurit y a pplications pbclk pbin pbvalid v i n0a v i n0b mux adc color decoder h/v scaler h/v scaler motion detect v i n1a v i n1b mux adc color decoder h/v scaler h/v scaler motion detect v i n2a v i n2b mux adc color decoder h/v scaler h/v scaler motion detect v i n3a v i n3b mux adc color decoder h/v scaler h/v scaler motion detect host interface hspb hcsb0 hcsb1 hale hrdb hwrb hdat irq interface irq memory interface write control read control osd box mouse overlay video encoder dac dac 5x4 matrix itu-r bt656 encoder voutyx voutcx vdoutx e n c o d e r t i m i n g i n t e r f r r a c e hsenc vsenc fldenc write control read control osd box mouse overlay video encoder dac dac 5x4 matrix voutyy voutcy vdouty memory interface itu-r bt656 encoder clock generator clk27encx clk27ency clk54i addry/ba0y/rasby/casby/wenby/dqmy/datay addrx/baix/ba0x/rasbx/casbx/wenbx/dqmx/datax s ecurit y s ur v eillanc e ic s olutions

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