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  emf21 / UMF21N transistors 1/4 power management (dual transistors) emf21 / UMF21N 2sa2018 and dtc114e are housed independently in a emt6 or umt6 package. z z z z application power management circuit z z z z features 1) power switching circuit in a single package. 2) mounting cost and area can be cut in half. z z z z structure silicon epitaxial planar transistor z z z z equivalent circuits r 1 r 2 dtr2 tr1 (1) (2) (3) (4) (5) (6) r 1 =10k ? r 2 =10k ? z z z z external dimensions (units : mm) rohm : emt6 emf21 rohm : umt6 eiaj : sc-88 UMF21N abbreviated symbol :f21 abbreviated symbol : f21 0.22 1.2 1.6 ( 1 ) ( 2 ) ( 5 ) ( 3 ) ( 6 ) ( 4 ) 0.13 0.5 0.5 0.5 1.0 1.6 each lead has same dimensions 0 to 0.1 ( 6 ) 2.0 1.3 0.9 0.15 0.7 0.1min. 2.1 0.65 0.2 1.25 ( 1 ) 0.65 ( 4 ) ( 3 ) ( 2 ) ( 5 ) each lead has same dimensions z z z z package, marking, and packaging specifications type UMF21N umt6 f21 tr 3000 package marking code basic ordering unit(pieces) emf21 emt6 f21 t2r 8000
emf21 / UMF21N transistors 2/4 z z z z absolute maximum ratings (ta=25 c) tr1 parameter ? 1 single pulse p w =1ms ? 2 120mw per element must not be exceeded. each terminal mounted on a recommended land. symbol v cbo v ceo v ebo i c i cp p c tj tstg limits ? 15 ? 12 ? 6 ? 500 150(total) 150 ? 55~ + 150 ? 1.0 ? 1 ? 2 unit v v v ma a mw c c collector-base voltage collector-emitter voltage emitter-base voltage collector current power dissipation junction temperature range of storage temperature dtr2 parameter ? 1 characteristics of built-in transistor. ? 2 each terminal mounted on a recommended land. symbol v cc v in i c i o p c tj tstg limits 50 ? 10~ + 40 100 50 150(total) 150 ? 55~ + 150 ? 1 ? 2 unit v v ma ma mw c c supply voltage input voltage collector current output current power dissipation junction temperature range of storage temperature z z z z electrical characteristics (ta=25 c) tr1 parameter symbol min. typ. max. unit conditions v cb =? 10v, i e = 0ma, f = 1mhz transition frequency f t ? 260 ? mhz v ce =? 2v, i e = 10ma, f = 100mhz bv ceo ? 12 ?? v i c =? 1ma collector-emitter breakdown voltage bv cbo ? 15 ?? v i c =? 10 a collector-base breakdown voltage bv ebo ? 6 ?? v i e =? 10 a emitter-base breakdown voltage i cbo ?? ? 100 na v cb =? 15v collector cut-off current i ebo ?? ? 100 na v eb =? 6v emitter cut-off current v ce(sat) ?? 100 ? 250 mv i c =? 200ma, i b =? 10ma collector-emitter saturation voltage h fe 270 ? 680 ? v ce =? 2v, i c =? 10ma dc current gain cob ? 6.5 ? pf collector output capacitance dtr2 parameter symbol v i(off) v i(on) v o(on) i i i o(off) r 1 g i r 2 /r 1 f t min. ? 3 ? ? ? 7 30 0.8 ? ? ? 0.1 ? ? 10 ? 1 250 0.5 ? 0.3 0.88 0.5 13 ? 1.2 ? v v cc = 5v, i o = 100 a v o = 0.3v, i o = 10ma i o /i i = 10ma/0.5ma v i = 5v v cc = 50v, v i = 0v v o = 5v, i o = 5ma v ce = 10v, i e =? 5ma, f = 100mhz ? v ma a k ? ? ?? ? mhz typ. max. unit conditions input voltage output voltage input current output current input resistance dc current gain resistance ratio transition frequency ? transition frequency of the device
emf21 / UMF21N transistors 3/4 z z z z electrical characteristic curves tr1 0 1 100 1000 10 base to emitter voltage : v be (v) fig.1 grounded emitter propagation characteristics collector current : i c (ma) 1.4 1.0 1.2 0.4 0.6 0.8 0.2 v ce =2v pulsed ta=125 c ta=25 c ta= ? 40 c 1 10 100 1000 collector current : i c (ma) fig.2 dc current gain vs. collector current 1 dc current gain : h fe 10 1000 100 ta = 125 c ta =? 40 c ta = 25 c v ce = 2v pulsed 1 10 100 1000 collector current : i c (ma) fig.3 collector-emitter saturation voltage vs. collector current ( ) 1 collector saturation voltage : v ce(sat) (mv) 10 1000 100 ta=25 c pulsed i c /i b = 50 i c /i b = 20 i c /i b = 10 1 10 100 1000 collector current : i c (ma) fig.4 collector-emitter saturation voltage vs. collector current ( ? ) 1 collector saturation voltage : v ce (sat) (v) 10 1000 100 ta = 25 c ta =? 40 c ta = 125 c i c /i b = 20 pulsed 1 10 100 1000 collector current : i c (ma) fig.5 base-emitter saturation voltage vs. collector current 10 baser saturation voltage : v be (sat) (mv) 100 10000 1000 ta = 25 c ta =? 40 c ta = 125 c i c /i b = 20 pulsed 1 10 100 1000 emitter current : i e (ma) fig.6 gain bandwidth product vs. emitter current 1 transition frequency : f t (mhz) 10 1000 100 v ce = 2v ta = 25 c pulsed 1 10 100 0.1 1 10 100 1000 ta = 25 c f = 1mhz i e = 0a collector output capacitance : cob (pf) emitter input capacitance : cib (pf) collector to base voltage : v cb ( v) fig.7 collector output capacitance vs. collector-base voltage emitter input capacitance vs. emitter-base voltage cib cob
emf21 / UMF21N transistors 4/4 dtr2 input voltage : v i(on) (v) output current : i o (a) 100 200 500 1m 2m 5m 10m 20m 50m 100m 100 50 20 10 5 2 1 500m 200m 100m v o = 0.3v ta =? 40 c 25 c 100 c fig.1 input voltage vs. output current (on characteristics) input voltage : v i(off) (v) output current : io (a) 0 3.0 10m 1 2m 5m 1m 200 500 100 20 50 10 2 5 0.5 1.0 1.5 2.0 2.5 v cc = 5v ta = 100 c 25 c ? 40 c fig.2 output current vs. input voltage (off characteristics) output current : i o (a) dc current gain : g i 100 200 500 1m 2m 5m 10m 20m 50m100m 1k 500 200 100 50 20 10 5 2 1 v o = 5v ta = 100 c 25 c ? 40 c fig.3 dc current gain vs. output current output current : i o (a) output voltage : v o(on) (v) 100 200 500 1m 2m 5m 10m 20m 50m 100m 1 500m 200m 100m 50m 20m 10m 5m 2m 1m l o /l i = 20 ta = 100 c 25 c ? 40 c fig.4 output voltage vs. output current

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