the m j2119 3 a nd m j2119 4 u tiliz e p erforate d e mitte r t echnolog y a n d a re specifically designed for high power audio output, disk head positioners and linear applications. ? total harmonic distortion characterized ? high dc current gain h fe = 25 min @ i c = 8 adc ? excellent gain linearity ? high soa: 2.5 a, 80 v, 1 second maximum ratings rating symbol value unit collectoremitter voltage v ceo 250 vdc collectorbase voltage v cbo 400 vdc emitterbase voltage v ebo 5 vdc collectoremitter voltage 1.5 v v cex 400 vdc collector current e continuous collector current e peak (1) i c 16 30 adc base current e continuous i b 5 adc total power dissipation @ t c = 25 c derate above 25 c p d 250 1.43 watts w/ c operating and storage junction temperature range t j , t stg 65 to +200 c thermal characteristics characteristic symbol max unit thermal resistance, junction to case r q jc 0.7 c/w electrical characteristics (t c = 25 c unless otherwise noted) characteristic symbol min typical max unit off characteristics collectoremitter sustaining voltage (i c = 100 madc, i b = 0) v ceo(sus) 250 e e vdc collector cutoff current (v ce = 200 vdc, i b = 0) i ceo e e 100 m adc (1) pulse test: pulse width = 5 m s, duty cycle 10%. (continued) case 107 to204aa (to3) schematic 1 base emitter 2 case 3 1 base emitter 2 case 3 pnp npn ? MJ21193G/mj21194g ? 2006 thinki semiconductor co., ltd. page 1/5 rev.05 pb MJ21193G/mj21194g 250 watt silicon type metal package power transistor pb free plating product
electrical characteristics (t c = 25 c unless otherwise noted) characteristic symbol min typical max unit off characteristics emitter cutoff current (v ce = 5 vdc, i c = 0) i ebo e e 100 m adc collector cutoff current (v ce = 250 vdc, v be(off) = 1.5 vdc) i cex e e 100 m adc second breakdown second breakdown collector current with base forward biased (v ce = 50 vdc, t = 1 s (nonrepetitive) (v ce = 80 vdc, t = 1 s (nonrepetitive) i s/b 5 2.5 e e e e adc on characteristics dc current gain (i c = 8 adc, v ce = 5 vdc) (i c = 16 adc, i b = 5 adc) h fe 25 8 e e 75 baseemitter on voltage (i c = 8 adc, v ce = 5 vdc) v be(on) e e 2.2 vdc collectoremitter saturation voltage (i c = 8 adc, i b = 0.8 adc) (i c = 16 adc, i b = 3.2 adc) v ce(sat) e e e e 1.4 4 vdc dynamic characteristics t otal harmonic distortion at the output v rms = 28.3 v, f = 1 khz, p load = 100 w rms h fe unmatched (matched pair h fe = 50 @ 5 a/5 v) h fe matched t hd e e 0.8 0.08 e e % current gain bandwidth product (i c = 1 adc, v ce = 10 vdc, f test = 1 mhz) f t 4 e e mhz output capacitance (v cb = 10 vdc, i e = 0, f test = 1 mhz) c ob e e 500 pf (1) pulse test: pulse width = 300 m s, duty cycle 2% i c collector current (amps) figure 1. typical current gain bandwidth product figure 2. typical current gain bandwidth product f , current gain bandwidth product (mhz) t pnp mj21193 f , current gain bandwidth product (mhz) t npn mj21194 i c collector current (amps) 0.1 1.0 10 6.5 6.0 5.5 5.0 4.5 4.0 3.5 3.0 8.0 7.0 6.0 4.0 3.0 5.0 1.0 0 2.0 0.1 1.0 10 v ce = 10 v 5 v t j = 25 c f test = 1 mhz v ce = 5 v 10 v t j = 25 c f test = 1 mhz ? MJ21193G/mj21194g ? 2006 thinki semiconductor co., ltd. page 2/5 rev.05
figure 3. dc current gain, v ce = 20 v figure 4. dc current gain, v ce = 20 v figure 5. dc current gain, v ce = 5 v figure 6. dc current gain, v ce = 5 v h fe , dc current gain i c collector current (amps) i c collector current (amps) h fe , dc current gain h fe , dc current gain i c collector current (amps) i c collector current (amps) v ce , collectoremitter voltage (volts) figure 7. typical output characteristics i c , collect or current (a) v ce , collectoremitter voltage (volts) figure 8. typical output characteristics i c , collect or current (a) pnp mj21193 npn mj21194 h fe , dc current gain typical characteristics pnp mj21193 pnp mj21193 npn mj21194 npn mj21194 1000 100 10 100 10 1.0 0.1 t j = 100 c 25 c 25 c v ce = 20 v 1000 100 10 100 10 1.0 0.1 t j = 100 c 25 c 25 c v ce = 20 v 1000 100 10 100 10 1.0 0.1 1000 100 10 100 10 1.0 0.1 t j = 100 c 25 c 25 c v ce = 5 v t j = 100 c 25 c 25 c v ce = 20 v 30 25 20 15 10 5.0 0 5.0 0 10 15 20 25 35 30 25 20 15 10 0 5.0 0 10 15 20 25 5.0 1.5 a 1 a 0.5 a i b = 2 a t j = 25 c i b = 2 a 1.5 a 1 a 0.5 a t j = 25 c ? MJ21193G/mj21194g ? 2006 thinki semiconductor co., ltd. page 3/5 rev.05
figure 9. typical saturation voltages i c , collector current (amps) saturation vol tage (vol ts) figure 10. typical saturation voltages i c , collector current (amps) saturation vol tage (vol ts) figure 11. typical baseemitter voltage i c , collector current (amps) v be(on) , baseemitter vol tage (vol ts) figure 12. typical baseemitter voltage i c , collector current (amps) v be(on) , baseemitter vol tage (vol ts) figure 13. active region safe operating area v ce , collectoremitter voltage (volts) i c , collect or current (amps) there are two limitations on the power handling ability of a transistor; a verag e j unction t emperatur e a n d s econdary breakdown. safe operating area curves indicate i c v ce limits o f t h e t ransisto r t ha t m us t b e o bserve d f o r r eliable operation; i .e. , t h e t ransisto r m us t n o t b e s ubjecte d t o greater dissipation than the curves indicate. the data of figure 13 is based on t j(pk) = 200 c; t c is variable d ependin g o n c onditions . a t h ig h c as e t empera- tures, thermal limitations will reduce the power than can be handled t o v alue s l es s t ha n t h e l imitation s i mpose d b y second breakdown. pnp mj21193 npn mj21194 typical characteristics pnp mj21193 npn mj21194 3.0 2.5 2.0 1.5 1.0 0.5 0 100 10 1.0 0.1 1.4 1.2 1.0 0.8 0.6 0.4 0 100 10 1.0 0.1 0.2 10 1.0 0.1 100 10 1.0 0.1 10 1.0 0.1 100 10 1.0 0.1 100 10 1.0 0.1 100 10 1.0 1000 t j = 25 c i c /i b = 10 v be(sat) v ce(sat) t j = 25 c i c /i b = 10 v be(sat) v ce(sat) t j = 25 c v ce = 20 v (solid) v ce = 5 v (dashed) t j = 25 c v ce = 20 v (solid) v ce = 5 v (dashed) 1 sec t c = 25 c ? MJ21193G/mj21194g ? 2006 thinki semiconductor co., ltd. page 4/5 rev.05
figure 14. mj21193 typical capacitance v r , reverse voltage (volts) c, cap acitance (pf) figure 15. mj21194 typical capacitance v r , reverse voltage (volts) c, cap acitance (pf) audio precision model one plus total harmonic distortion analyzer source amplifier 50 w 0.5 w 0.5 w 8.0 w 50 v dut dut +50 v figure 16. typical total harmonic distortion figure 17. total harmonic distortion test circuit frequency (hz) t hd , total harmonic distortion (%) 10000 1000 100 100 10 1.0 0.1 10000 1000 100 100 10 1.0 0.1 1.2 1.1 1.0 0.9 0.8 0.7 0.6 100000 10000 1000 100 10 t j = 25 c t j = 25 c c ib c ob c ib c ob f (test) = 1 mhz f (test) = 1 mhz ? MJ21193G/mj21194g ? 2006 thinki semiconductor co., ltd. page 5/5 rev.05