sop8 jiangsu changjiang electronics technology co., l td sop8 plastic-encapsulate mosfets CJQ4410 n-channel pow er mosfet description the CJQ4410 uses advan ced trench technology to provide excellent r ds(on) , shoot-t hrough immunity, body diode characteristics and ultra-low gate resistance. this device is ideally suited for use as a low side switch in notebook cpu core power conversion. z battery switch z load switch marking q4410 = device cod e solid dot=pin1 indicator solid dot = green molding compound device, if none, the normal device front side yy=date code maximum ra tings ( t a =25 unless otherwise noted ) paramete r symbol limit unit drain-sourc e voltage v ds 30 v gate-source vo ltage v gs 20 v continuo us drain current i d 7.5 a pulsed drain current i dm 50 a single puls ed avalanche energy e as (1) 72 mj pow er dissipation p d 1.4 w thermal resist ance from junction to ambient r ja 89 /w junction temperature t j 150 storage temperature r ange t stg -55 ~ +150 lead t emperature for soldering purposes(1/8?? from case for 10s) t l 260 (1).e as condition: v dd =50v,l=0.5mh, r g =25 ? , starting t j = 25c g 1 23 4 56 7 8 s s s dd d d z z z f m h o h f f r p 1 g sep 6 v (br) dss r ds(on) max i d 30v 13.5 10 7.5a m @ v ? ? equivalent circuit ap plications 20m @ 4.5 v ?
para mete r symbol test condition min typ max unit off ch aracte ristics drain-s ourc e breakdown voltage v (br) ds s v gs = 0v, i d = 250a 30 v z e ro gate voltage drain current i dss v ds = 30v, v gs =0 v 1 a gate-bod y l eakage current i gss v ds =0 v, v gs =20 v 100 na on ch aracteristics (note1) gate-thresho ld voltage v gs(t h) v ds =v gs , i d = 250a 1.0 1.3 3.0 v v gs = 10v, i d =10a 9 13.5 m ? static drain-s o urce on-sate resistance r ds (o n) v gs =4.5v, i d =5a 12 20 m ? f o rward transconductance g fs v ds = 15v, i d =5a 8 s d y namic characteristics (note 2) input cap a citance c iss 913 0 output capac itance c oss 625 revers e transfer capac itance c rss v ds = 15v,v gs =0 v, f =1mhz 387 pf s w itching characteristics (note 2) t o tal gate charge q g 40 gate-source c harg e q gs 5.5 gate-drain charge q gd v ds = 15v, v gs =10v, i d = 10a 3.7 nc t u rn-on delay time t d ( on) 15 t u rn-on rise time t r 15 t u rn-off delay time t d( o ff) 60 t u rn-off fall time t f v dd = 25v,i d =1a, v gs = 10v,r g =6 ?, r l =2 5 ? 25 ns gate resistance r g f =1mhz, v ds =0v, v gs =0 v, 0.2 0.8 ? drain - source diode characteristics drain-s ourc e diode forward voltage(note1) v sd v gs =0 v, i s =2 . 3a 1.1 v conti nuo us drain-source diode forward current i s 7.5 a pulse d drain-source diode forward current i sm 50 a notes: 1. pulse test : pulse width 300s, duty cycle 2%. 2. guaranteed by design, not subject to production. z z z f m h o h f f r p 2 g,sep,2016 0 2 6 ) ( 7 ( / ( & |