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  telegesis tg-etrx2 pa-pm-003-107 etrx 2-pa, etrx 2hr- pa product manual 1.07 ETRX2-PA and etrx2hr-pa zigbee? modules product manual ? 2 0 0 9 t e l e g e s i s ( u k ) l t d etrx 2pa product manual (rev 1.07)
etrx2pa ?2009 telegesis (uk) ltd - 2 - etrx2pa product manual (rev 1.06) table of contents 1 introduction................................................................................................................... 5 1.1 hardware description ........................................................................................................ 5 1.2 hardware precautions........................................................................................................ 6 1.2.1 unexpected start-up in bootloader mode........................................................................... 6 2 product approvals ..................................................................................................... 6 2.1 fcc approvals.................................................................................................................. .6 2.1.1 fcc labelling requirements............................................................................................. 7 2.2 european certification ....................................................................................................... 7 2.3 declarations of conformity................................................................................................. 8 2.4 ieee 802.15.4.................................................................................................................... 8 2.5 the zigbee? protocol ....................................................................................................... 8 3 module pinout ................................................................................................................ 9 4 hardware description ............................................................................................. 11 4.1 hardware options ............................................................................................................ 11 4.1.1 on-board dc regulator ................................................................................................... 11 4.1.2 on-board reference crystal ............................................................................................ 11 4.1.3 rf output pad .................................................................................................................. 11 5 hardware interface ................................................................................................. 12 6 firmware description............................................................................................... 13 6.1 custom firmware............................................................................................................. 13 6.2 software interface............................................................................................................ 1 4 7 absolute maximum ratings..................................................................................... 15 8 operating conditions ............................................................................................... 15 9 dc electrical characteristics ............................................................................ 17 10 a/d converter characteristics ........................................................................... 18 11 ac electrical characteristics ............................................................................ 18 11.1 tx power characteristics ................................................................................................ 20 12 physical dimensions .................................................................................................. 21 13 solder ing temperature time profile (for reflow solder ing) .............. 23 13.1 for leaded solder ........................................................................................................... 23 13.2 for lead-free solder ........................................................................................................ 23 14 product label drawing ........................................................................................... 24 15 recommended footprint ......................................................................................... 25 15.1 example carrier board...................................................................................................... 26 16 reliability tests ......................................................................................................... 27
etrx2pa ?2009 telegesis (uk) ltd - 3 - etrx2pa product manual (rev 1.06) 17 application notes ...................................................................................................... 27 17.1 safety precautions........................................................................................................... 27 17.2 design engineering notes ............................................................................................... 27 17.3 storage conditions .......................................................................................................... 28 18 packaging ...................................................................................................................... 29 18.1 embossed tape............................................................................................................... 29 18.2 component orientation.................................................................................................... 30 18.3 reel dimensions.............................................................................................................. 30 18.4 packaging ...................................................................................................................... .. 30 19 ordering information .............................................................................................. 31 20 trademarks................................................................................................................... 32 21 disclaimer..................................................................................................................... .32 22 rohs declaration....................................................................................................... 32 23 data sheet status...................................................................................................... 32 24 life support policy.................................................................................................... 32 25 related documents ................................................................................................... 33 26 contact information ................................................................................................ 33
etrx2pa ? 2 0 0 9 t e l e g e s i s ( u k ) l t d - 4 - e t r x 2 p a product manual ( r e v 1 . 0 6 ) etrx2-p a summary radio features ? ba se d o n th e embe r em25 0 si ng l e chi p z i gbee? /ieee802.1 5 .4 sol u ti on ? 2.4ghz ism band ? 250k bit/s over the air data rat e ? nb: actu al usab le d a ta throug hp ut w i t h z i gbee? is a bout 20k bps ? 16 cha n n e ls (8 02.15.4 c h a n n e l 11 to 2 6 ) ? t y pic a ll y 18db m (63mw ) output po w e r ? high se nsitivit y of up to -97bm typ. at 1% packet error rate ? hard w a re acc e ler a tion for ieee 802.1 5 .4 complia nt transmissions module features ? small form factor, smt m odul e 37.5 x 20.5 x 3.2 mm ? same form factor as e t rx 2 ? optiona l bo ard - to-boar d or bo ard-to-ca b le co nnector ? 3 rf out put optio ns: integrate d cer a mic ante n n a , hirose u.f l co axial c onn ector or singl e port 50 ? p ad ? xap 2b m i cro c ontrol l er w i t h n on intru s ive deb ug interface (sif) ? 128k of flas h a nd 5kb y tes of sram ? uart interface w i th dma, hard w a r e i 2 c an d spi accessible w i t h custom firm w a re ? w i de sup p l y vo ltage ra ng e (2.7 to 3.5v) ? modu le sh ips w i t h stan d a rd t e leges i s at -style soft w a r e interf ace bas ed o n the embern e t meshin g stack. ? can act as z i g b ee end d e vic e , router or c oord i nator ? 12 general-pur pose i/o lines and 2 analogue inputs (all 17 gpios of th e em250 ar e a ccessibl e) ? supp orts 4 different po w e r m odes ? current co nsu m ption b e l o w 1a in dee p slee p mod e w i t h self w a k e up ? f i rm w a re up grad es via rs23 2 or over the ai r (pass w or d prot ected) ? hard w a re su pp orted encr y pt io n (aes-128) ? t e sts for ce and f c c complia nc e pen din g ? operatin g temperatur e ran g e : -40 c to +85 c ? options i n cl ud e: on bo ard lo w po w e r v o lta ge re gu lator, dc/dc reg u l a tor and w a tc h cr y s tal image n o t shown a c tua l si z e ; enlarged to show de tail . the t e leg e s is etrx 2-pa modul e is a po wer amplified 2.4 g hz ism ban d tra n sceive r based on th e ember e m 2 50 singl e ch ip zigbe e ?/ieee802.15.4 solutio n . it h a s be en de si gned to be i n tegrated i n to any devi c e without the ne ed for rf ex perie nce a n d expertise. t he form factor of the ETRX2-PA i s identical to t he et rx2, so either mo dule ca n b e use d d epe nd ing o n the range requi re ments of the particular application. utilizing the emberz n et meshi ng a n d self-heali n g sta ck, th e etrx2 - pa enabl es you to add po werful wirele ss n e two r kin g cap ability to your pro d u c ts and quickly bring them to market. the module? s uni que at-style comm and lin e interface all o ws you to q u ickly integ r ate me shin g radio te chn o logy with out compl e x software engin eeri ng. suggested applications ? amr ? automa tic meter read i ng ? w i reless alarm s and secur i t y ? home/bu ild ing automatio n ? w i reless se ns or net w orks ? m2m industria l controls ? fu tu re zig b e e ? sy st ems ? pc peripherals ? ieee 802.15.4 s y stems ? item t r acking developme n t kits ? t w o c o mp lem entar y d e vel o pment kits co nsistin g of three or si x mo dul es a n d a s i ngl e d e ve lopm ent b oar d w i t h usb connectivit y and i/o breakouts. ? at -s ty le s o ft w a re interface c o mmand dictionar y can be mod i fied for high vo lume c u stomers. ? custom soft w a re dev elo p ment av ai la ble up on requ est. exa m ple at-style co mmands at + b cast sends a bro a d c ast at + ucast : sends a u n ic a s t at + e n establis h pan net w o rk at +jn join a n y pa n at po w e r-u p the last co nfig uratio n is lo a ded from n o n volatile s-registers, w h ich c an el imin ate the ne ed for a n add ition a l h o st control l er.
etrx2pa ?2009 telegesis (uk) ltd - 5 - etrx2pa product manual (rev 1.07) 1 introduction this document describes the telegesis ETRX2-PA zigbee? module which has been designed to be integrated into another device and to provide a fast, simple and low cost wireless mesh networking interface. unless clearly indicated, its contents also apply to the etrx2hr-pa module with a hirose u.fl coaxial antenna connector in place of the on-board ceramic antenna. the user cannot convert an ETRX2-PA into an etrx2hr-pa or vice-versa. the telegesis ETRX2-PA module is based on the ember zigbee? platform consisting of the single chip em250 combined with the zigbee pro compliant emberznet meshing stack. integration into a wide range of applications is made easy using a simple at style command interface and advanced hardware design. the configurable functionality often allows the ETRX2-PA wireless meshing module to be used without an additional host microcontroller saving even more integration time and costs. in addition to the telegesis at commandset, the ETRX2-PA can be used in with custom build firmware or the ember ezsp over uart protocol interface... no rf experience or expertise is required to add this powerful wireless networking capability to your products. the ETRX2-PA offers fast integration opportunities and the shortest possible time to market for your product. 1.1 hardware description the main building blocks of the ETRX2-PA are the single chip em250 from ember, a 24mhz reference crystal and rf front-end circuitry optimized for best rf performance. with single ended rf output, the module is available with integrated antenna or 50 ? u.fl coaxial connector or 50 ? pad terminal on the bottom of the module. the integrated antenna is a johanson 2450at43a100, and details of the radiation pattern etc are available from their website [4]. compared to the etrx2, the ETRX2-PA module a llows extended range of operation by means of an integrated high efficiency power amplifier inserted in the tx path. a low loss ltcc band-pass filter for the 2.4ghz ism band is added to both the tx and rx path. as a result for rx mode the immunity against in terferers (for example operating at 1.8 ghz) is improved compared to the standard etrx2. the ETRX2-PA is used for zigbee? ( ) applications. if you wish to create your own custom firmware, and not use the pre-loaded telegesis at-command interface, you will need the insight toolchain, consisting of insight desktop? together with a comprehensive integrated development environment (ide) and c-language co mpiler toolchain from ember. the ember firmware is not suitable for an 802.15.4-only application that does not use the zigbee layer. as an alternative to the telegesis r2xx and r3xx series at command interfaces, the ETRX2-PA can also be supplied with ember?s uart ezsp (ember zigbee serial protocol) firmware. please refer to the ember em260 manual for more information on the ezsp.
etrx2pa ? 2 0 0 9 t e l e g e s i s ( u k ) l t d - 6 - e t r x 2 p a product manual ( r e v 1 . 0 7 ) 1.2 hardw a re precautions 1.2.1 unexpected start-up in bootloader mode the bootloa der which ru ns on t he e t rx 2-pa can be in itiat ed with a fir m ware command, but it can also be trig gered in har dware. if th e a/d2 inpu t (pad 10) is pulle d low during the boot-up of t h e module it will enter the bootloader r outine, so e x ercise caut ion when doing hardware design a n d ensure that this pin is n o t grounded during start-up and reset or driven from an ana logue voltage that may b e sensed a s a logic 0. if unused the pad can be left floating and a pull-up is not required. 2 product approvals the etrx 2-pa and etrx 2hr-pa have been designed to m eet all national regulations for world- wide use. i n particular t he following certificat ions have been obtained: 2.1 fcc appr ovals the telegesis etrx 2-pa and als o the etrx2hr-pa including the antennae list ed in table 1 complies with fcc cf r part 15 (usa). th e devices meet the requirements for modular transmitter approval as detailed in th e fcc public notice da 00.1407.transmitter. this device complies with part 1 5 of the fcc rules. operation is subject to the following two conditions: (1) this device may not cause harmful interference , and (2) this device must accept any interferenc e received, including interference that may cause undesired operation. fcc id: t7 vem250b this module complies with the usa sar requirements and is not inten ded to be operated within 20cm of the body. the f o llowing stat ement must be included as a caution stateme n t in manuals for oem pro ducts to aler t users on f cc rf e x po sure compliance: ?warning: to satisfy fcc rf ex posure requirements for mobile transmitting devices, a separation distance of 20cm or more should be maintained between the antenna of this device and persons during operation. to ensure compliance, operations at closer distances than this are not recommended.? item part no. manufacturer t y pe gain 1 bkr2400 embedded antenna design ltd. ? wave dipole 2 dbi 2 bt-stubby (straight) embedded antenna design ltd. wire 0 dbi 2 bt-stubby (right-angle) embedded antenna design ltd. wire 0 dbi ta ble 1 : a ppro v e d a n te nnae while the applicant for a device into which the etrx 2-pa or etrx 2hr-pa (with an antenna listed in table 1) is insta lled is not requ ir ed to obtain a new auth o rization for the module , this does not preclude the possibility that some other form of authorizatio n or testing may be requ ired for the end product.
etrx2pa ? 2 0 0 9 t e l e g e s i s ( u k ) l t d - 7 - e t r x 2 p a product manual ( r e v 1 . 0 7 ) the fcc re quires the user to be n o tified that any changes or modifications made to this devi c e that are not expressly approved by telegesis ( u k) ltd. ma y void the u s er's authority to operate the equipment. when using the etrx 2 hr-pa with approved antennae, it is required t o prevent end-users fro m replacing th em with non-approved ones. 2.1.1 fcc labelling requirements when integr ating the etrx 2-pa or etrx 2hr-pa into a product if must be ensure d that the fcc labelling req u irements are met. thi s include s a clearly visible label on the outside of the finished product spe c ifying the telegesis f cc identifier ( fcc i d : t7vem250 b ) as well as the notice above. this exterior la bel can use wording su ch as ?contains transmitter mod u le fcc id: t7vem250 b? or ?con tains fcc i d : t7vem2 50b? although any simil a r wording that expresses the same meaning may be used. 2.2 european certification the etrx 2 - pa and et rx 2hr-pa are certified at a power level of 21.15mw e.i.r.p. (13.2dbm) to the following standards: ? radio: en 300 328 v1.7.1 (10/2006) ? emc: en 301 489-17 v1.2.1 (08/2002) ? safety: en 60950-1:2006 the etrx 2 hr-pa was tested with t he antennae listed in ta ble 1. 0681 ec-r&tte certificated if the ETRX2-PA or etrx 2hr-pa module is in corporated into an oem product, th e oem prod uct manufacturer must ensu r e complian c e of the f i n a l product to the european harmonised emc, and low voltage/safety standards. a declaration of conformi ty must be issued for each of these standards a nd kept on file as described in the r& tte direct ive. the fin a l product must not exceed the specifie d power rati ngs, antenna specifica t ions and installation req u irements as specified in this etrx 2-pa user ma nual. if any of these spec ificat ions ar e exceeded in the final product then a submission must be ma de to a notified body for compliance testing to all of the required standar ds. the ?ce? ma rking must be applied to a visible location on any oem produ ct. for more information please ref e r to http://ec.europa. eu/enterprise/faq/ce-mark.htm . custom ers assum e full responsibilit y for learning and meeting the required guidelin es for each country in their distribut ion market. important note: in europe the regulations for t he 2.4ghz frequency band are only harmonized for devices with an e.i.r.p. o f less than 1 0 mw (10dbm). in the case of e.i.r.p . of more than 10mw the manufacturer or his authorised representative establishe d within the communit y o r the person responsible for placing the equipme n t on the market shall n o tify the nati onal authority responsible in the re levant member state for spectrum managem ent of the int ention to pla c e such equ ip ment on its national market. this notifica t ion shall be given no less than four weeks in a d vance of t h e start of placing on the market. because of this teleg esis recommends that the user limit th e output po wer to 10mw (10dbm) for europe to avoid having to deal with the local authoritie s for spectr um manage ment of each relevant me mber state.
etrx2pa ?2009 telegesis (uk) ltd - 8 - etrx2pa product manual (rev 1.07) 2.3 declarations of conformity telegesis (uk) ltd has issued declarations of conformity for the ETRX2-PA zigbee? rf modules, which cover radio emissions, emc and sa fety. these documents are available from our website or on request 2.4 ieee 802.15.4 ieee 802.15.4 is a standard for low data rate, wireless networks (raw bit-rate within a radio packet of 250kbps @2.4ghz) which focuses on low cost, low duty cycle, long primary battery life applications as well as mains-powered applications. it is the basis for the open zigbee? protocol. 2.5 the zigbee? protocol the zigbee? protocol is a set of standards for wi reless connectivity for use between any devices over short to medium distances. the specificatio n was originally ratified in december 2004, paving the way for companies to start making low-power networks a reality. zigbee? uses an ieee 802.15.4 radio specification running on the 2.4ghz band, plus three additional layers for networking, security and applications. what makes the specification unique is its use of a mesh network architecture which, in bucket chain style, passes data from one node to the next until it lands at its destination. the network is self-healing and adapts its routing as link quality changes or nodes move. furthermore, nodes can be defined as end devices which do not act as routers, but can therefore be put into a low-power sleep state. the enhanced version of the zigbee? standard (or zigbee? 2006) was released in december 2006, adding new features and improvements to the only global wireless communication standard enabling the development of easily deployable low-cost, low-power, monitoring and control products for homes, commercial buildings and industrial plant monitoring. in 2007 the zigbee alliance produced the very latest edition of the standard including the pro featureset which offers advantages over earlier versions, including ? truly self healing mesh networking ? messages can now travel up to 30 hops ? source-routing for improved point to multipoint message transmission ? improved security including trust-centre link keys ? new message types and options based on this latest standard, the telegesis r3xx firmware for zigbee pro allows for ? support for up to 4 external interrupts and 4 analogue inputs ? nodes can be addressed by their eui as well as their 16 bit nodeid ? some level of interoperability with 3rd party zigbee pro compliant nodes please note that the r2xx and to some extent the telegesis at-command line interpreter are based on a private application profile and use the ember meshing and self-healing stack, so interoperability with wireless mesh networking solutions from other manufacturers is unlikely when using this default firmware. for more information on zigbee? compliance and the at command interface please refer to the latest at command dictionary and the etrx2 user guide.
etrx2pa ? 2 0 0 9 t e l e g e s i s ( u k ) l t d - 9 - e t r x 2 p a product manual ( r e v 1 . 0 7 ) 3 module pinout the etrx 2 - pa is pin-compatible with the etrx 1, (nb: it has addition al pins to th e etrx 1). for all new designs using either etrx 1 or etrx 2 it is recommended that you use the etrx 2 footprint to ensure th e option of f u ture upgrading is guar anteed. figure 1 : etr x 2 - p a module pino ut the table b e low gives details abou t the 38 module pin sig nals for dire ct smd soldering of th e etrx 2-pa t o the application board. the p i n nu mbers shown in bra cket s () are the related pin s of the em250. in order to use the etrx 2-pa as a plug-in solution a harwin 1.27mm pitch conne ctor can be fit t e d on the b o ttom of the etrx 2-pa (harwin part number m50-3601042). other connectors t hat use the same footprint may also be used, su ch as a samtec tfml-110-02-s-d. all gnd pa ds are conn ected within the module, but for best rf performance all of t hem should b e grounded externally.
etrx2pa ?2009 telegesis (uk) ltd - 10 - etrx2pa product manual (rev 1.07) etrx2 pad function em250 gpio etrx2 harwin pin 1 gnd gnd 2 antenna 3 gnd gnd 4 i/o9 gpio 0 (21) 1 5 vreg {1} 2 6 gnd gnd 3 7 vcc 10 8 gnd gnd 3 9 a/d1 gpio 4 (26) 4 10 a/d2 gpio 5 (27) 5 11 i/o7 gpio 3 (25) 6 12 i/o6 gpio 2 (24) 7 13 i/o5 gpio 1 (22) 8 14 i/o4 or rts {3} gpio 12 (20) 9 15 gnd gnd 16 sif clk sif clk 17 sif miso sif miso 18 sif mosi sif mosi 19 sif loadb sif loadb 20 gnd gnd 21 i/o8 gpio 6 (29) 11 22 i/o2 or cts {3} gpio 11 (19) 12 23 i/o3 gpio 13 (43) 13 24 reset (13) 14 25 i/o1 gpio 14 (42) 15 26 i/o0 gpio 8 (31) 16 27 txd gpio 9 (32) 18 28 rxd gpio 10 (33) 17 29 gnd gnd 3 30 i/o10 gpio 15 (41) 19 31 i/o11 gpio 16 (40) 20 32 gnd gnd 33 vcont {2} n/a 34 gnd gnd 35 gnd gnd 36 gnd gnd 37 gnd gnd 38 n/c {4} gpio 7 (30) table 2. pin information notes: {1} where the onboard regulator option is mounted th is pin is connected to the output voltage of the onboard regulator option and not to the output voltage vreg_out of the em250 {2} vcont is the internal amplifier gain control volt age, resistive external loading to ground can reduce the amplifier gain and therefore lower the maximum available module tx output power. for most of the applications this pin is not connected and the amplifier is working at maximum gain. controlling the maximum output power can also be achieved in software. {3} rts/cts handshaking is selectable in firmware. see the at command manual. {4} pad 38 is connected to gpio7 but is not used by the telegesis firmware
etrx2pa ? 2 0 0 9 t e l e g e s i s ( u k ) l t d - 11 - e t r x 2 p a product manual ( r e v 1 . 0 7 ) 4 hardware description 24 m h z 32 , 7 6 8 k h z (o p t i o n a l ) em 2 5 0 r f tr an s c ei v e r 2 . 4g h z 16 - b i t x a p 1 6 b uc 1 2 8k b f l as h / 5 k r a m gp i o 0 gp i o 1 6 i / o pr o g r a m m i n g 4 si f ld o or dc c o nv er t e r (o p t io n a l) vb at vb a t vr e g r ese t re s e t ba l u n i n t e gr at e d an t e nn a pa d 2 u . f l so ck e t rf te r m i n a l se l e c t i o n , fi l t e r i n g a n d ma t c h i n g ci r c u i t r y ld o 1, 8 v dc tx rx ba l u n rx /t x sw i t c h pa f i g u r e 2: hard w a re diag ram 4.1 hardw a re options please contact the man u facturer if any of the opt ions described belo w could be useful in your product design. please note that to include th ese options a high ord e r quantity is required a n d they are not available as standard pr oducts. 4.1.1 on-board dc regulato r although th e em250 already contains an intern al ldo regulator, the m odule can b e supplie d with an addition al integrate d onboard ldo regulator or dc/dc converter. some application s could benefit from this addition al regulator in instance s where: (1) further extension of the input voltage range is re quired (2) extended b a ttery life is obtained b y replaci ng the regulato r within the em250 with a special ultra-low quiescent curre nt regulator (3) operation is required using very noisy power supplies two differen t types of re gulators are available, a linear low d r opout (ldo) type or a h i gh efficiency switched b u ck regula t or. depending on the power sup p ly conditio ns of the application the optim u m regulator can b e selected. 4.1.2 on-board reference cry s tal a second option which is available is an on board 32.768khz crystal reference. this option can be provided for application s which requir e a high pre c ision refere nce clock. 4.1.3 rf output pad thirdly, the rf output can be connected to pad 2 for routing on to th e underlying circuit boar d . there is the n no ceram i c antenna n o r u.fl connector.
etrx2pa ?2009 telegesis (uk) ltd - 12 - etrx2pa product manual (rev 1.07) 5 hardware interface all i/o pins of the em250 are accessible on the module?s pads. the pre-loaded telegesis at command interface defines those i/os as described below. please refer to the command dictionary and to the user guide to learn more about the pre-loaded firmware. when developing custom firmware all pins can be utilised as described in the em250 datasheet. adc the module has up to four analogue inputs. readings with reference to the internal 1.2v reference voltage can be made locally as well as over the air. i/o pins i/o11 down to i/o0 are bi-directional i/o po rts which can be controlled locally as well as remotely by accessing local as well as remote s-registers. the functionality of the i/os can be controlled using three single 16-bit registers representing the data direction, the output buffer and the input buffer. with the r3xx series of firmware it is now also possible to select internal pull-ups or pull-downs for each individual i/o. uart the at style command interpreter can be accessed via the txd and rxd pins. the ETRX2-PA can buffer up to 128 bytes of incoming data in a software fifo buffer and uses xon/xoff or hardware flow control. see [2] for more information about the built-in uart. interrupt up to 4 i/os can trigger user definable actions. user configurable edges can cause interrupts if this function is enabled in the s-registers. reset pulling the reset pin low will cause the module to restart. an external pull-up is not required, but can be added for use in a very noisy environment. pwm i/o3 can alternatively act as a special function pin which can generate output waveforms up to 12mhz or act as a pwm. this functionality can be controlled locally as well as remotely by accessing local as well as remote s-registers. antenna matching is provided to match the radio to the integrated antenna or to an optional external general purpose 2.4ghz antenna. the on board antenna is supplied by johanson. for full data on the johanson antenna please refer to [4]. the connector on the etrx2hr-pa is hirose part number u.fl-smt-r. power the module is able to operate from 3.5v down to 2.7v which makes it ideally suited for battery- powered applications. sif interface for programming and real-time debugging the em250.
etrx2pa ?2009 telegesis (uk) ltd - 13 - etrx2pa product manual (rev 1.07) 6 firmware description the modules are pre-loaded with a standalone bootloader which supports over-the-air bootloading as well as serial bootloading of new firmware. in order to enter the standalone bootloader using a hardware trigger pull a/d2 (gpio5) to ground and power-cycle the module. to avoid enteri ng the standalone bootloader unintentionally make sure not to pull this pin down during boot-up unless the resistance to ground is >10k ? . (a pull-up is not required). in addition to the standalone bootloader the m odules also contain the current release of the telegesis at-style command interface as descri bed in the telegesis at command dictionary and the telegesis user guide. check for updates. each module comes with a unique 64-bit 802.15.4 identifier which is stored in non-volatile memory. the commands and responses pass through the serial port of the ETRX2-PA as ascii text, so a simple terminal application will usually suffice. we provide teleges is terminal but it is not an essential feature. the pre-loaded at-style command interface firmware is based on the latest emberznet meshing stack which implements routers/coordinators as well as (sleepy) end devices. [end devices have no routing responsibility and therefore are allowed to go to sleep, whilst still being able to send and receive messages via a parent router. in addition to a classical (sleepy) end device the module firmware also supports mobile (sleepy) end devices capable of changing their parent quickly whenever they change their position within the network.] a router is typically a mains powered device whils t a sleepy end device (sed) can be battery powered. the module is also able to act as a pan coordinator through external host control. the at style command line supplies all the tools required to set up and manage a wireless mesh network by allowing easy access to the low-level functionality of the stack. the ETRX2-PA firmware uses the meshing and self healing emberznet pro stack to overcome many of the limitations of the tree network topolo gy of the zigbee? 2006 stack. following further evolution of the zigbee? mesh networking specification, telegesis also offer firmware that implements the pro feature set of zigbee 2007. the telegesis firmware also allows low-level access to physical parameters such as channel and power level. parameters that define the functionality of the ETRX2-PA module and also allow standalone functionality are saved in non-volatile memory organised in so-called s-registers. the spi and i2c buses are not supported by the current firmware release, but can be used with custom firmware. as a third option as opposed to using the telegesis at command interface or developing custom firmware, the ember ezsp uart interface can be provided to allow zigbee? application development using a host controller driven binary protocol. for more information on the ezsp interface please refer to the ember em260 datasheet. 6.1 custom firmware for high volume customers the firmware can be customised on request. customers can use the ETRX2-PA module as hardware only and develop their own firmware based on the emberznet stack. in order to develop custom firmware insight desktop? is required together with a comprehensive integrated development environment (ide) and c-language compiler toolchain from ember.
etrx2pa ?2009 telegesis (uk) ltd - 14 - etrx2pa product manual (rev 1.07) 6.2 software interface using the default firmware the ETRX2-PA is controlled using a simple at-style command interface and (mostly) non-volatile s-registers. in order to get a full listing of all the available at- commands, please refer to the at command dictionary document which corresponds to the firmware revision you intend to use. in addition to the command dictionary there are user guides explaining the features of the firmware in more detail. if you need to find out which fi rmware resides on your module simply type ? ati ? followed by a carriage return and you will be prompted with the module?s manufacturing information. the development kit manual describes how to upgrade the firmware either via a serial link or over the air.
etrx2pa ?2 00 9 te leg e sis (uk ) ltd - 1 5 - etrx 2pa p r o d u c t m a n u a l (r ev 1 . 0 7 ) 7 absolute maximum ratings suppl y : 3.5v inputs: -0.3v to vcc+0.3v operating temperature : -40 to 85c no. item sy mbol absolu te ma ximum ratin g s unit 1 su p p ly vo l t ag e v bat -0.1 to +3.5 vdc 2 voltag e on a n y i/o [ 11:0 ] , sif_clk, sif_miso, s i f_m o si, sif_loadb, reset v in -0.3 to vbat+0.3 vdc 3 voltag e ap pli e d to vreg v re g -0.3 to 2.0 vdc 4 storage temp e r ature ran ge t st g -40 to + 105 c 5 operatin g temperatur e ran g e t op -40 to + 85 c 6 input rf level p max 0 dbm 7 esd on an y pi n (1) accord ing to human body model (hbm) circuit descri p tion v t hhb m 2 kv 8 reflo w tem per ature t d eat h pleas e refer to chapter 1 3 c t a b l e 3. a b so lu te maximu m ratin g s notes: (1) input m u st be current lim ited to the value specifie d. the absolu te m a xi m u m ratings given above sh ould u n der no circumstances be violated. exceeding one or more of the limitin g values may cause permanent damage to the d e vice. caution! esd sensitive device. p r ecauti ons should be used when handling the d e vice in order to p r event permanent damage. 8 operating conditions please note: the firmware of the etrx 2 series and the etrx 2-pa series is ide n tical, therefore when talkin g about pow er setting s in the following chapters, the actual output powe r out of the on board em250 is descr ibed, rather than the po wer amplified output ou t of the module. for the relationship between em250 powe r settings a n d module output power please r e late to cha p ter 11.1 of this document. when developing custo m firmware the output power settings described in this docume nt relate dire ctly to the em250 power settings a c cessible via the ember stack api.
etrx2pa ?2009 telegesis (uk) ltd - 16 - etrx2pa product manual (rev 1.07) no. item condition / remark symbol value unit min typ max 1 supply voltage the typical value is recommended v dd 2.7 3.3 3.5 vdc 2 rf input frequency f c 2405 2480 mhz 3 rf input power p in 0 dbm 4 em250 tx power mode setting normal mode or boost mode(1) and external pa 5 em250 tx output power setting channels 12-25 p outset -43 +3 dbm 6 em250 tx output power setting(2) channel 11 p outset -43 -3 dbm 7 em250 tx output power setting(2) channel 26 p outset -43 -14 dbm 8 typical module output power corresponding to item 5. for more details see part 11.1. channels 12-25 normal mode boost mode p out -22 -21 +17.5 +18.5 dbm 9 tx duty cycle maximum output power set and 0dbi antenna (3) 10 % 10 logic input voltage low v il 0 0.2x vbat v 11 logic input voltage high v ih 0.8x vbat vbat v 12 voltage level on any of the a/d inputs va/d 1.2 v 13 spi clock rate f spi 12 mhz 14 operating temperature range t op -40 +85 c table 4. operating conditions the conditions for compliance are: (1) boost mode is allowed with some restrictions: in order to stay within the output pow er limits of 20dbm and -30dbm psd mask absolute (ieee802.15.4) the power setting value is limited to 0dbm, the maximum supply voltage is limited to 3.3v and the operating temperature is limited to temperatures above 0c. (2) on the lowest channel 11 (2405 mhz) and the highest channel 26 (2480 mhz) the maximum allowed output power settings are limited to the maximum values stated above in order to not exceed the spectral power limits at the 2.4ghz ism band edges under extreme conditions as stated in part 4.3.3 ?frequency range? of [1] (3) with these settings and duty cycles below 10% the limits for ?maxim um spectral output power density? according to part 4.3.2 of [1] are not exceeded. for lower antenna gain and/or lower tx output power the duty cycle may be increased according to the formula in [1]. please note: the average current consumption during operation is dependent on the firmware and the network load, therefore these figures are given in the command dictionary of the respective firmware.
etrx2pa ?2009 telegesis (uk) ltd - 17 - etrx2pa product manual (rev 1.07) 9 dc electrical characteristics vbat = 3.3v, tamb = 25c, normal mode unless ot herwise stated no. item condition / remark symbol value unit min typ max 1 module supply voltage vbat v bat 2.7 3.3 3.5 vdc 2 internal regulated core voltage connected to vreg pin 5 (1) v core 1.7 1.8 1.9 vdc 3 quiescent current, excluding internal rc oscillator 10k ? pull-down at sif_mosi pin i sleep 0.8 3.0 a 4 quiescent current, including 32.768khz oscillator 10k ? pull-down at sif_mosi pin i sleep 1.5 3.5 a 5 transmit current consumption at +17.5dbm module output power i txvbat 106 120 ma 6 transmit current consumption boost mode at +18.5dbm module output power i txvbat 121 130 ma 7 transmit current consumption at +10dbm module output power i txvbat 63 ma 8 transmit current consumption at +0dbm module output power i txvbat 56 ma 9 receive current consumption total i rx 37 ma 10 external load on internal regulated core voltage connected to vreg pin 5 (1) i reg_out 2 ma 11 input voltage for logic 0 v il 0 0.2xvbat vdc 12 input voltage for logic 1 v ih 0.8xvbat vbat vdc 13 input current for logic 0 i il -0.5 a 14 input current for logic 1 i ih 0.5 a 15 input pull-up resistor value r ipu 30 k? 16 input pull-down resistor value r ipd 30 k? 17 output voltage for logic 0 v ol 0 0.18xvbat vdc 18 output voltage for logic 1 v oh 0.82xvbat vbat vdc 19 output source current (standard current pad) i ohs 4 ma 20 output sink current (standard current pad) i ols 4 ma 21 output source current (high current pad: i/o3, i/o1, i/o10, i/o11 ) i ohh 8 ma 22 output sink current (high current pad: i/o3, i/o1, i/o10, i/o11) i olh 8 ma 23 total output current for i/o pads i oh + i ol 40 ma table 5. dc electrical characteristics notes: (1) for more information about the internal regulated core voltage refer to part 5.7 in [2]. as the internal regulated core voltage at v reg mainly feeds circuitry on ETRX2-PA, the v reg module pin may only be slightly loaded and without feeding noise to v reg . v reg is not available in power mode 3 (see the at command manual for details of power modes). where the dc regulator option is mounted v reg is connected to the regulator option output instead and the internal regulated core voltage is not accessible.
etrx2pa ?2009 telegesis (uk) ltd - 18 - etrx2pa product manual (rev 1.07) 10 a/d converter characteristics no. item 1 a/d characteristics refer to datasheet em250 part 5.5 adc module 2 a/d timing/performance characteristics refer to datasheet em250 part 5.5 adc module 3 reference voltage 1.2v 4 maximum input voltage 1.2v table 6. a/d converter characteristics note: if a voltage higher than 1.2v is applied to any of the adc inputs, the readings on the other adcs will be incorrect. 11 ac electrical characteristics vbat = 3.3v, t amb = 25c, normal mode measured at 50 ? terminal load connected to the u.fl socket no. receiver value unit min typ max 1 sensitivity for 1% packet error rate (per) -92 -96 - dbm 2 sensitivity for 1% packet e rror rate (per) boost mode -93 -97 - dbm 3 saturation (maximum input level for correct operation, low gain) 0 4 - dbm 4 adjacent channel rejection (1% per and desired signal ?82dbm acc. to [1]) 30 db 5 alternate channel rejection (1% per and desired signal ?82dbm acc. to [1]) 40 db 6 channel rejection for all other channels (1% per and desired signal ?82dbm acc. to [1]) 40 db 7 802.11g rejection centred at +12mhz or ?13mhz (1% per and desired signal ?82dbm acc. to [1]) 40 db 8 co-channel rejection (1% per and desired signal ?82dbm acc. to [1]) -6 dbc 9 rf frontend filter attenuation fo r interferers in the range 1710- 1910mhz 30 db 10 relative freq uency error (2x40ppm required by [1]) -80 80 ppm 11 relative timing error (2x40ppm required by [1]) -80 80 ppm 12 linear rssi range 40 50 db 13 spurious emissions <1ghz - -74 -57 dbm 14 spurious emissions >1ghz - -60 -47 dbm
etrx2pa ?2009 telegesis (uk) ltd - 19 - etrx2pa product manual (rev 1.07) no. receiver value unit min typ max 15 output power at highest power setting normal mode normal mode boost mode 14 15 17.5 18.5 20 dbm 16 output power at power setting -20dbm 0 dbm 17 output power at lowest power setting -22 dbm 18 error vector magnitude as per ieee802.15.4 10 35 % 19 carrier frequency error -40 40 ppm 20 psd mask relative 3.5mhz distance from carrier -20 -36 db 21 psd mask absolute 3.5mhz distance from carrier -30 tbd dbm 22 2 nd harmonic at highest power setting - -60 -30 dbm 23 3 rd harmonic at highest power setting - -52 -30 dbm 24 spurious emissions <1ghz - -60 -36 dbm 25 spurious emissions >1ghz - -57 -30 dbm table 7. ac electrical characteristics notes: (1) at pin 38 rf or u.fl socket, for all ch annels number 11,12,..., 26 according to ref [1] no. standby limit unit min typ max 26 spurious emissions <1ghz - -66 -57 dbm 27 spurious emissions >1ghz - -66 -47 dbm table 8. standby spurious emissions no. synthesiser characteristics limit unit min typ max 29 lock time from off state, wi th correct vco dac settings 100 s 30 relock time, channel change or rx/tx turnaround 100 s table 9. synthesiser characteristics no. power on reset (por) specifications limit unit min typ max 31 v bat por release 1.0 1.2 1.4 vdc 32 v bat por assert 0.5 0.6 0.7 vdc 33 v core por release 1.35 1.5 1.65 vdc 34 v core por hysteresis 0.08 0.1 0.12 vdc table 10. power on reset specifications for em250 chip
etrx2pa ?2 00 9 te leg e sis (uk ) ltd - 2 0 - etrx 2pa p r o d u c t m a n u a l (r ev 1 . 0 7 ) 11.1 tx pow e r characteristics the diagrams below show the typi cal output p o wer and module curre nt in dependency on module supply voltage and em2 50 power setting in normal mode. o u tput pow e r v s pow e r setti ng -30 -25 -20 -15 -10 -5 0 5 10 15 20 -50 - 4 0 -30 - 20 -10 0 10 power setting dbm output power dbm 2.7 3 3.3 3.5 figure 3 . out put po w e r v s . po w e r se tti ng m o d u l e c u r r e n t v s p o w e r s e tti n g 0 20 40 60 80 10 0 12 0 - 5 0- 4 0 - 3 0- 2 0 - 1 0 0 1 0 p o w e r s e tti n g d b m cu r r e n t m a 2. 7 3 3. 3 3. 5 figure 4 . mod u le curre nt v s . po w e r se ttin g please no te: t he po w e r s e tting is the settin g of the em2 5 0 ?s o u tput po w e r (befor e am pl ificatio n). t h is setting is us ed b y all firm w a r e ru nni ng o n the et rx2-pa.
etrx2pa ?2 00 9 te leg e sis (uk ) ltd - 2 1 - etrx 2pa p r o d u c t m a n u a l (r ev 1 . 0 7 ) 12 ph y s ical dimensions figure 5 : etr x 2 - p a ph y s i ca l dime ns ions sy mbol explanation dista n ce l length of the module 37.5mm w width of the module 20.5mm h heig ht of the module 3.20mm a1 pitc h 2.54mm a2 dista n ce ce ntre of pad pcb edge 2.24mm a3 dista n ce ce ntre of pad pcb edge 3.9mm a4 dista n ce pcb edge metal can 6.5mm a5 dista n ce pcb edge sta r t of pad 6.7mm r1 keep-out zon e from co rne r of pcb 5.0mm r2 keep-out zon e from co rne r of pcb 5.0mm r3 width of ke ep -out zon e adj ace n t to pcb 12.7mm x1 dista n ce ce ntre of antenna conn ecto r pcb edge 3.00mm x2 dista n ce ce ntre of antenna conn ecto r pcb edge 3.80mm y1 pitc h 1.27mm y2 dista n ce bet wee n ro ws of pads 1.50mm y3 dista n ce bet wee n edg e of pcb and pa d 2.75mm y4 dista n ce bet wee n edg e of pcb and pa d 3.8mm t a b l e 11. ph y s ical dimen s i o n s et rx2-pa
etrx2pa ?2009 telegesis (uk) ltd - 22 - etrx2pa product manual (rev 1.07) for ideal rf performance when using the on-board antenna, the antenna should be located at the corner of the carrier pcb. there should be no components, tracks or copper planes in the ?keep- out? area which should be as large as possible; note also the small secondary keep-out area which is required for best performance using the -pa version. if using the u.fl rf connector the ?keep- out? area can be significantly reduced. nb : the module transmit/r eceive range will depend strongly on the antenna used and also the housing of the finished product.
etrx2pa ?2 00 9 te leg e sis (uk ) ltd - 2 3 - etrx 2pa p r o d u c t m a n u a l (r ev 1 . 0 7 ) 13 soldering t e mperature t i me pr ofile (for reflow soldering) 13.1 for leaded solder rec o m m e nde d te mp. profi l e for re flow s o ldering te m p . [ c ] ti me [s ] 235c m a x . 220 5 c 200 c 150 10 c 90 30s 10 1s 30 + 2 0/- 1 0s f i g u r e 6: t e m p eratu r e pro f i l e fo r l ead sold er 13.2 for lead-free solder our used temp. profil e for re flow s o ldering te mp .[ c ] ti me [s ] 230c - 2 50c max . 220 c 150c ? 190c 90 30s 30 + 2 0/- 1 0s f i g u r e 7: t e m p eratu r e pro f i l e fo r l ead -free so ld er nb: maximum reflow cy c l es: 2 opposite-side reflow is prohibited due to the module?s weight. (i.e. y ou must not place the module on the bottom / underside of y our pc b and re-flow ).
etrx2pa ?2 00 9 te leg e sis (uk ) ltd - 2 4 - etrx 2pa p r o d u c t m a n u a l (r ev 1 . 0 7 ) 14 product label dr awing figure 8 : prod uc t la be l the label dimensions are is 13.0mm x 18.5 mm. the label is suitable for r e flow soldering. imprint des c ription et rx 2-pa modu le nam e 000 00 01 indicati on for the seri al num b e r. date co de producti on dat e cod e in the f o rmat yymmdd, e.g. 0606 02 03 indicati on for b a tch numb e r 10 indicati on for the har d w ar e re vision f cc id: t 7 vem250b t he fcc id co de for this product ce t he ce mark 2d-barc ode information i n the 2d-b arcod e are the seria l num b e r [7 sign s], the part-number [11 sig n s ], ide n tifier for the batch n u mbe r [2 signs], the i dentifi e r for the hard w a r e rel e ase [2 signs] a nd the prod uction dat e code i n the format year-mo nth-da y [6 sig n s ], separated b y a semic o l on. t a b l e 12. etrx2-p a l a b e l details
etrx2pa ?2 00 9 te leg e sis (uk ) ltd - 2 5 - etrx 2pa p r o d u c t m a n u a l (r ev 1 . 0 7 ) 15 recommended footprint in order to surface mount the mod u le, we recommend that you use pads which are 1.5mm wide and 1.7mm high, the extra height extending the pads sho w n in figure 9 towards the outside of your layout. you must re tain the ?keep-out? zone shown in figure 5 (pag e 21), and e n sure that this area is free of copper tr acks and/or copper plan es/lay ers. you must al so ensure that there are no expos e d pads or vias on you r layout whi c h may contact with the pads (for the op tional conne ctor), or vias on the botto m surface of the etrx 2- pa module. if the m odule is to be so ldered by hand for prototyping we re com m e nd th at you increase the heig h t of the pads to allow easier access. figure 9 : re c o mme nde d f ootpri n t the land pattern dimensions above serve as a guideline. we recommend that you use the sa me pad dimensions for the solder pa ste screen a s you have f o r the copper pads. however these sizes and shapes may need to be varied depending on your soldering pr ocesses an d your individual production standa rds. we re com m end a paste screen thicknes s of 120 m t o 1 5 0 m, although it may be necessar y to go up to 200m to ensure relia ble joints. although the under sid e of etrx 2 - pa is fully coated (except for the footprint of the addition al harwin smt connector), no expose d copper, such as thro ugh-hole via s , plane s or tracks on y o ur board component layer, should be located below the et rx 2-pa in order to avoid ?shorts?. in cases where a expose d track or through hole via has to b e located under the mo dule it must be kept away from ETRX2-PA via h o les. the et rx 2-pa multilayer pcb contains an inner rf shielding gr ound plane, therefore there is no need to have an additional copper plane directly under the etrx 2-pa.
etrx2pa ?2 00 9 te leg e sis (uk ) ltd - 2 6 - etrx 2pa p r o d u c t m a n u a l (r ev 1 . 0 7 ) 15.1 example carrier board since the rf performan c e of the module with the on board antenna is strongly dependent on the proper location of the module on its carrier bo ard, figure 10 shows the reference carrier bo ard which was used during testing by telegesis. f i g u r e 10: referen c e bo ard for best pe rformance it is recommended to lo cate the antenna towards the corn er of the ca rrier board and to respect th e recom m e n ded keep-ou t areas as d e scribed in section 12. finally to provide a good reference ground to the on board antenna, the carrier bo ard should h a ve a ground plane spanning no less than 60 x 50mm. in many cases a smaller gr ound plane will suffice, but a degradatio n in radio pe rformance could be the r e sult.
etrx2pa ?2009 telegesis (uk) ltd - 27 - etrx2pa product manual (rev 1.07) 16 reliability tests the measurements were conducted after the module being exposed to room temperature and humidity for 1 hour. no item limit condition 1 vibration test electrical parameter should be in specification a) freq.:10~50hz,amplitude:1.5mm a) 20min. / cycle,1hrs. each of xyz axis b) freq.:30~100hz, 6g b) 20min. / cycle,1hrs. each of xyz axis 2 shock test the same as the above dropped onto hard wood from height of 50cm for 3 times 3 heat cycle test the same as the above -40c for 30min. and +85c for 30min.; each temperature 300 cycles 4 moisture test the same as the above +60c, 90% rh, 300h 5 low temp. test the same as the above -40c, 300h 6 high temp. test the same as the above +85c, 300h table 13. reliability tests 17 application notes 17.1 safety precautions these specifications are intended to preserve th e quality assurance of products as individual components. before use, check and evaluate their operation when mounted on your products. abide by these specifications, without deviation when using the products. these products may short- circuit. if electrical shocks, smoke, fire, and/or accidents involving human life are anticipated when a short circuit occurs, then at least, provide the following failsafe functions, as a minimum: (1) ensure the safety of the whole system by installing a protection circuit and a protection device. (2) ensure the safety of the whole system by installing a redundant circuit or another system to prevent a single fault causing an unsafe status. 17.2 design engineering notes (1) heat is the major cause of shortening the life of these products. avoid assembly and use of the target equipment in conditions where the product?s temperature may exceed the maximum allowable. (2) failure to do so may result in degrading of the product?s functions and damage to the product. (3) if pulses or other transient loads (a large load applied in a short time) are applied to the products, before use, check and evaluate their operation when assembled onto your products. (4) these products are not intended for other uses, other than under the special conditions shown below. before using these products under such special conditions, check their
etrx2pa ?2009 telegesis (uk) ltd - 28 - etrx2pa product manual (rev 1.07) performance and reliability under the said special conditions carefully, to determine whether or not they can be used in such a manner. (5) in liquid, such as water, salt water, oil, alkali, or organic solvent, or in places where liquid may splash. (6) in direct sunlight, outdoors, or in a dusty environment (7) in an environment where condensation occurs. (8) in an environment with a high concentration of harmful gas (e.g. salty air, hcl, cl2, so2, h2s, nh3, and nox) (9) if an abnormal voltage is applied due to a problem occurring in other components or circuits, replace these products with new products because they may not be able to provide normal performance even if their electronic characteristics and appearances appear satisfactory. (10) mechanical stress during assembly of the board and operation has to be avoided. (11) pressing on parts of the metal cover or fastening objects to the metal cover is not permitted. 17.3 storage conditions (1) the module must not be stressed mechanically during storage. (2) do not store these products in the following conditions or the performance characteristics of the product, such as rf performance, may well be adversely affected: (3) storage in salty air or in an environment with a high concentration of corrosive gas, such as cl2, h2s, nh3, so2, or nox (4) storage in direct sunlight (5) storage in an environment where the temperature may be outside the range of 5c to 35c range, or where the humidity may be outside the 45 to 85% range. (6) storage (before assembly of the end product) of the modules for more than one year after the date of delivery at your company even if all the above conditions (1) to (3) have been met, should be avoided.
etrx2pa ?2 00 9 te leg e sis (uk ) ltd - 2 9 - etrx 2pa p r o d u c t m a n u a l (r ev 1 . 0 7 ) 18 packaging 18.1 embossed tape (1) dim ension of the tape (eiaj-tbd) (2) cover tape r e el strength fo r c e d i r e c t i o n s p ee d = 30 0m m / m i n . c o v e r t a pe r e e l st r e ngt h = 0 . 0 9 8 0. 68 n ( 1 0 70 g ) = 10 de g (3) em pt y pockets e m pt y p o ck e t s c o m p o nen t s e m pt y p o c k et s top co ver d i r e c t i o n of g nb: empt y pockets in the component packe d area shall be less th an two per reel and those empty pockets shall not be consecu t ive.
etrx2pa ?2 00 9 te leg e sis (uk ) ltd - 3 0 - etrx 2pa p r o d u c t m a n u a l (r ev 1 . 0 7 ) 18.2 component orientation top cover tape shall not be found on reel holes a n d will not st ick out from the reel (top v i ew) com ponent o r ient at ion pa r t n o . direct i on 18.3 reel dimensions (4) quantity per reel: 400 pieces (5) m a rking: part no. / q u antity / lot no. and m a nufacturer part# with bar-code will be on the reel 13 +/ -1 2 +/ -0.5 330 ma r k i n g ? 33.5 + / -1. 0 2.0 + / -0. 2 13 + / - 0 .5 80 +/ -2 fig u re 2 18.4 packaging (6) each reel w ill be pac k ed in a herm etically -sealed bag (7) m a rking : part no. / quantity / lot no. and m a nufacturer p a rt# with bar-code
etrx2pa ?2 00 9 te leg e sis (uk ) ltd - 3 1 - etrx 2pa p r o d u c t m a n u a l (r ev 1 . 0 7 ) 19 ordering information ordering/product code description etrx2-p a telegesis wireless m e sh networking m o dule with ember zigbee? technology: ? telegesis a t style comm and interpreter and ? emberznet 2.xx or 3. xx meshing and self-healin g stack ? integrated 2 . 4ghz ante nna ? no harwi n connector etrx2h r- pa telegesis wireless m e sh networking m o dule with ember zigbee? technology: ? telegesis a t style comm and interpreter and ? emberznet 2.xx or 3. xx meshing and self-healin g stack ? hirose u.fl antenna connector ? no harwi n connector etrx2dvka telegesis d e velopm ent kit with: ? 1 x etrx 2 h w module with board to board connector ? 1 x etrx n d v develop m ent board ? 2 x etrx 2 modules soldered to? ? 2 x etrx 2 m cb modul e carrier boards ? 2 x aa batte ry holders with leads & connector plugs ? 1 x usb cab l e etrx2dvka- plus telegesis d e velopm ent kit with: ? 1 x etrx 2 h w module with board to board connector ? 1 x etrx 2 h rhw-pa module with board connector ? 1 x etrx n d v develop m ent board ? 2 x etrx 2 modules and ? ? 1 x etrx 2- pa module soldered to ? ? 3 x etrx 2 m cb modul e carrier boards ? 3 x aa batte ry holders with leads & connector plugs ? 1 x etrx 2 u sb stick ? 1 x ? wave antenna ? 1 x usb cab l e notes: ? customers? po?s must state the ordering/product code. ? there is no ?blank? ver s ion of the etrx 2-pa module ava ilable. all modules are pre- programme d with the t e legesis at style command interp reter based on the emberznet stack. (wh e re customers wish to a d d their ow n firmware they can erase and write it to the flash m e m o r y of the em250). ? please con t act telege sis if you require additional at style commands or sp ecific integration a ssistan ce.
etrx2pa ?2009 telegesis (uk) ltd - 32 - etrx2pa product manual (rev 1.07) 20 trademarks all trademarks, registered trademarks and products names are the sole property of their respective owners. 21 disclaimer product and company names and logos referenced may either be trademarks or registered trademarks of their respective companies. we reserve the right to make modifications and/or improvements without prior notificati on. all information is correct at time of issue. telegesis (uk) ltd does not convey any license under its patent rights or assume any responsibility for the use of the described product 22 rohs declaration declaration of environmental compatibility for supplied products: hereby we declare to our best present knowledge based on the declaration of our suppliers that this product does not contain the following subst ances which are banned by directive 2002/95/ec (rohs) or if they do, contain a maximum c oncentration of 0,1% by weight in homogeneous materials for: ? lead and lead compounds ? mercury and mercury compounds ? chromium (vi) ? pbb (polybrominated biphenyl) category ? pbde (polybrominated biphenyl ether) category and a maximum concentration of 0.01% by weight in homogeneous materials for: ? cadmium and cadmium compounds 23 data sheet status telegesis (uk) ltd. reserves the right to change the specification without notice, in order to improve the design and supply the best possible product. please consult the most recently issued data sheet before initiating or completing a design. 24 life support policy this product is not designed for use in life support appliances, devices, or systems where malfunction can reasonably be expected to result in a significant personal injury to the user, or as a critical component in any life support device or system whose failure to perform can be reasonably expected to cause the failure of the life support de vice or system, or to affect its safety or effectiveness. customers using or selling these products for use in such applications do so at their own risk and agree to fully indemnify telege sis (uk) ltd. for any damages resulting.
etrx2pa ?2009 telegesis (uk) ltd - 33 - etrx2pa product manual (rev 1.07) 25 related documents [1] ieee standard 802.15.4 ?2003 wireless medium access control (mac) and physical layer (phy) specifications for low-rate wireless personal area networks (lr- wpans) [2] datasheet em250, ember. ( [3] datasheet u.fl-series 2004.2 hirose ultra small surface mount coaxial connectors - low profile 1.9mm or 2.4mm mated height [4] johanson 2450at43a100 antenna datasheet ( [5] the zigbee? specification ( 26 contact information website: e-mail telegesis (uk) limited 3, abbey barn business centre abbey barn lane high wycombe bucks hp10 9qq uk tel: +44 (0)1494 510199 fax: +44 (0)5603 436999

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